Strawberry Sprinkle Cookie

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(voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson) He's the son of Cream Cookie and Strawberry Cookie's father. He's an all-star racer who travels all of Earthbread and is rarely home. But he always sends postcards and souvenirs to his mother and daughter. His race car looks like a strawberry with strawberry pie wheels.

Appearance: He's a very muscular and tall Cookie, but three times muscular than Muscle Cookie and Hollyberry Cookie. His racer helmet is strawberry red shaped like Strawberry Cookie's hoodie, but it has a green stem on top. He has the same color eyes as his daughter. He has the color of his mother's hair, but the sprinkles are the color red, and his hair is tied into a ponytail. When he's not in his racer uniform, he wears a red shirt with a pink leather jacket coated with strawberry seeds and strawberry green pants.

Personality: He's a tough as his mother but always has the sweet strawberry aroma around him like his daughter. He can be a momma's boy when his mother is around. He loves his precious daughter, Strawberry Cookie, so much that he becomes very upset about never getting a chance to return home, and since she's the only thing he has left her mother, Strawberry Syrup Cookie. Even though he's well-loved by everyone for his racing achievements and is respectable to everyone around him, he can be super scary when he's in overprotective daddy mode and if any guy tries to come near his daughter. He becomes enraged when he finds out that Strawberry Cookie is crushing on GingerBrave and is willing to keep him separated from her. He, too, is a ladies' magnet. He's best friends with Almond Cookie and Zombie Cookie.

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