三十四Thirty-Four 三十四

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Chapter Thirty-Four: Sound Hashira Uzui Tengen
W/C: 3680

"My, he certainly seems like a bright young child."

Father speaks with a tone of serious relief , "Seriously... Not being blessed with my own offspring had made me despondent... but now that such a fine boy has come to us, I can rest easy."

The adoptive parents speak at home with their guests happily, the mother lets out a happy sigh.

"Every day is so blissful. I couldn't be happier. He's such a kind little kid. So considerate toward the help. I've never seen a child his age who is so gentle-mannered." She smiles.

The father sticks his chest out proudly, "Blood has nothing to do with parental affection. I'm going to have that boy take over my business for me!"

A guest speaks up, "I really envy you!" They grumble, "I wish I could trade our idiot son for him!"

The group laughs and father speaks up again, "He's a fine boy. No doubt about it." His mood dampens, "It's just that... as he suffers from a skin disease, he can't go outside during the day."

A sympathetic guest gasps lightly, "Oh dear, the poor thing."

Father nods solemnly, "I was hoping that we could develop a wonder drug for him at my company. The sooner the better." He said seriously.

Kibutsuji listens in from the other room, Akaza enters the room from a glass door, "I am here to report to you... Lord Muzan."

Muzan's calm blue eyes turn into dark and aggressive crimson red, the blood of the lives he has taken is held together in his eyes, "Have you found what I asked for?"

Akaza tries not to show his frustration, "I looked for it but came up empty. Having no way to even confirm its existence... I was unable to locate the blue spider lily."

Muzan tilts his head, "And?"

Akaza takes a deep breath, "I will continue to do my utmost to live up to your expectations, Lord Muzan.
As ordered, I..."

Akaza pauses, realizing he didn't really do what he was ordered. Muzan narrows his eyes.

"You seem to have the wrong idea about this... Akaza."

A giant wave of pressure presses against Akaza's body, Akaza groans in pain.

"You harmed the Hashira I specifically ordered you not to even look at." Muzan said sharply, "You nearly killed him, actually."

Akaza begins sweating as his thoughts run rapid, Muzan could barely chase them.

Muzan steps ever so slightly closer to Akaza, "If you weren't useful, I'd kill you off first." Muzan said casually before harsh veins appear on his face.

"What I want is for the Demon Slayer Corps to be annihilated. Pummel the life out of every last one of them, and never let another one enter my line of sight again." Muzan glares, "Except for Miyake."

"It's hardly a complicated task. And yet, I'm still waiting for it to happen. What do you have to say about that? You boast of having harming a Hashira, the specific one I ordered you not to touch, but there were four other Demon Slayers there."

"Why did you fail to kill them off after I made a point of sending you there because you happened to be nearby? Akaza... Akaza... Akaza... Akaza!"

Dark red blood bursts from Akaza's mouth and eyes, Akaza sits impatiently in pain, groaning and tensing.

"Drop what you brought me."

Akaza, screaming internally because of the unbearable pain, found himself struggling to move. Muzan clenched his teeth, forcing even more pressure on Akaza.

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