Chapter 1

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       Alaine and all of her friends ran through the seemingly never ending forest. Twigs and leaves crunched beneath their fast moving feet. Her whole body ached and her breathing was heavy.
       It was crazy to think not even a week ago she was getting ready for her camping trip with all of her friends. Crazy to think everything went downhill in the blink of an eye. One second she was laughing around a fire with people she trusted, to running for her life...

      (A week ago..)

       Alaine looked at herself in her bathroom mirror as she finished brushing her hair. Everything for her big camping trip was packed, Her makeup and hair were done, and she was excited. She couldn't wait to spend time with all of her friends. It's been so long since they all got together and did something.

        She finally tied her black hair back with a gray hair tie. She looked at herself one last time. Her brown, doe eyes stared back at her tiredly. She smiled slightly and turned away.

         Alaine turned the rusty door handle, opening the bathroom and turning right towards her room.

         The wallpaper of her room was a light purple and posters littered the walls. She stepped into her room, the carpet beneath her feet feeling soft, but slightly matted.

          She turned towards her bed. The bedspread had a pattern of tiny pink flowers that matched her pillows as well.

           Alaine's bag sat on the bed, filled with clothes, makeup, a toothbrush and hairbrush, and other little trinkets.

           She zipped up her bag, picking it up and heading towards the door. Before Alaine headed out of the bedroom, she looked back one more time. She smiled slightly before shutting the door and heading towards the living room.

            "Hey sweetie!" Alaine whipped her head towards the voice.

              Her mom sat at the kitchen table, eating a piece of toast.

              "Hi mom!" Alaine smiled back and sat down at the wooden table.

              "What time are you leaving for your camping trip?" She asked, glancing at Alaine.

               "Oh, they should be over soon. Maybe in about 20 minutes or so." Alaine's mom hummed.

               Suddenly, thumping was heard coming from the staircase.

               "Gooood morning!" A young boy yelled.He slid into the kitchen, his smile big, almost  up to his ears.

                Alaine's mom laughed, "Morning Chris."

                Chris was Alaine's 5 year old brother. He sat down at the table as well, his legs swinging vigorously under the table.

                 Chris looked over to Alaine, "Alaine, where are you going again?" He said in a whiny voice.

                  Alaine smiled sweetly at him, "I'm going camping with my friends. I told you already!"

                  Chris stuck out his lip, "I know, but I still don't know why I can't come!" He crosses his arms.

                   Mom grinned at the two of them, before getting up from the table and heading towards the sink, rinsing her plate.

                   "Well, only big kids are aloud to go. Sorry, Chris." Alaine shrugged.

                    He groaned, "But I'm a big kid! I'm almost six!" Chris sounded like he was about to cry at this point.

                    "I'm sorry Chris, but-" Before Alaine could finish her sentence, a honk of a car outside interrupted her.

                    She got up from her seat and headed towards the window that was in the living room. Alaine looked out to see a red car with multiple people sat inside.

                     Alaine's smile was huge as she ran to grab her bag. She was almost out the door when someone grabbed her sleeve.

                     She turned to see Chris with his big puppy eyes. She grinned at him, crouching down and bringing him into her arms.

                      "It's okay Chris, I'll be back soon, I promise!" Chris wrapped his short arms around her neck.

                      "You better." He pulled away and glared at her slightly.

                       Alaine snickered, "I will, don't worry!" She stood up.

                        Another honk was heard from outside.

                        Alaine opened the door, yelling into the house, "Bye Mom, I'm leaving!"

                        After a second, her mom yelled back, "Okay, bye sweetie! Have fun and be safe!"
                        She closed the door and ran down the sidewalk to the red car.

                         Alaine couldn't wait. This was gonna be awesome.

                        Sadly, it wasn't what she thought it would be.

                             ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
                          That was the end of chapter one! I hope it isn't too bad so far!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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