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Minjeong didn't understand. She had been told to go take a shower and was even given a clean new uniform by Jaehyun. Gradually dispensing the citrus shampoo to lather her body to distinguish the ramen while the terrifying man awaited her out the door. How was this a punishment?

She figured that out the moment she stepped out of the washroom. Jaehyun had dragged her away again to the office behind a slammed locked door, showing off the bill he had stolen from Minjeong's pyjamas with a grin. He pocketed the money for himself and paced himself in front of the extravagant desk.

"Sleeping with a passenger?" The man ran his hands down his face before laughing at the cowering girl in the corner. Minjeong seriously thought this man was psychotic.

"Am I not enough?"

The question threw Minjeong off guard but it would've made no difference in her answer as she remained silent however her thoughts were bursting at the contrast of his threat to his calm tone. When he stated his list, Minjeong would've scoffed if the intimidation and fear factors were bursting through the roof.

"I clean you."

Karina did that.

"I give you food."

Karina also did that.

"I give you clothing."

Another point for Karina.

"I care for you."

Jaehyun didn't do that. Karina did.

"Yet, here you are stabbing a knife in my back."

How much Minjeong wished she actually did.

"However, this isn't even about us."

The waitress swallowed thickly in disgust. 'Us'. There was no 'us' between her and her boss. How could he think like that? Right, he was a psychopath.

"This is about your actual work. Sleeping with a passenger? That's one of the first rules and yet you broke it."

Minjeong was still distraught about seemingly tender voice despite his earlier threat, but of course nothing lasts forever as the man walked close to her.

"Did you or did you not sleep with someone on this ship?" Jaehyun gripped her face to force her eyes on him.

Minjeong shook her head ever so slightly to avoid the deepening of his nails. Veins in Jaehyun's neck popped in rage from the fuel of Minjeong's silence.

"Are you fucking mute? Words, use words." His grip tensed which forced a squeak out of Minjeong,



Minjeong shook her head in fear. Wetness assaulting her vision from the terror and pain.

Jaehyun stepped closer to the trembling girl, his chest only inches away from hers while his hand remained hooked on her face when he deeply inhaled.

"You smell so nice. You know how much I love that scent on you. Lets me track you wherever you are."

The brown haired girl's eyes widened in horror, showing off her glossy eyes that faintly blurred her sight. She took a mental note to throw the soap out later.

The hand released her face, easing her body with heavy breaths and face rubs as Jaehyun stepped back a step and disregarded Minjeong's honest answer with another mood swing.

"I can't believe this. His daughter? A woman? Am I not good enough?" The man clenched his fists, oblivious that Minho's daughter was the girl he stumbled into earlier. Minjeong dropped her eyes which granted approval for a smirk to arise once more on Jaehyun due to her remained silence.

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