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When you love someone there is no control over yourself.....

U can do anything for them to stay them into ur life forever that means somewhere you have a thought that u might loose them. which is really scared thing..
This thought will kill u to the core...

Jungkook : hyung please stop this all!!

Jimin : why jungkook?

Suga : bogum hyung loves tae more than u jungkook !!
He always stayed beside him in his highs and lows!!
He supported him and stand by him !!

Jungkook : I love tae hyung ,he is belongs to me and I left for 5 fucking years but that Distance doesn't  matter when two people are loyal to each other...we love eachother....right tae!!

Tae eyes brimmed in tears but he himself controlled it and stayed silent...

Jin : ohhhh so that 5 fuckingggg years are doesn't matter to u right jungfuckkk.....but if something will happen in future then u will left him again without taking care about his feelings and love!!

Jungkook nodded his head as no ....left to right ..

Namjoon : kookie u don't know..u really don't know how tae cried for you every day!! He want you to be back ..
We have been watching his pain and sarrow..u don't know what u have done with a teen male !!

Jungkook collapsed on the floor and burst into crying: I'm sorry hyungs , I'm really sorry tae ...
All i think that I want to give him a good life even if when I asked tae's parents to give his hand to me on that time I don't want to be rejected by their point.. so I struggled alot to get my tae in my life.. i worked hard for his happiness and for healthy future...

The story behind my every sorry is not worthy to you all but  for my bear I mean it...it means alot love,  I don't want to loose my tae in my life..

With that he cried continuously ...

Tae cried silently under his Vail....no one noticed his silent tears...

Jungkook : I'm already dead person but still alive because of my tae..
In these five years u people thought that I left tae but it's not true....

Jungkook: i ....i....cam....

Jin : U came every 3rd Saturday to Seoul in a month and visited TK cafe...right jungkook!!


Jk stunned by jin words!!

Jimin: u are blind in your love Jungkook , u never noticed tae's love towards  you!! Will you?

Jungkook: how..how ... do.... u ....know.... this?

Bogum :Tae sensed your presence jungkook that is called destined love ...
You are meant to be eachother jungkook.... You both are destined couple... At first he suspected and then prooved us that it's u....he followed you at your first visit....in that night he cried alot for u like a baby..........

Namjoon: tae respected ur decision jungkook but he hates himself when u left the place bcz of future!!

Suga : is there a beautiful future without our love jungkook?did u get it in these 5 years?

Jungkook : hyung !! Plz stop!!
I'm really suffocating....he took deep breaths....he is really not in good condition....

Jackson: o my god jungkook!!(Jackson PA of jungkook,and bestfriend and bussiness partner too)

Jackson took the medicine and gave to jungkook ...

Jackson: u people are really sweet in one story but really not good in jungkook another story...

He really suffered alot to reach this high..

He will going through alot...
He did somany things to reach this position only for his love!!

Yes his love his tae....

Jungkook hide himself in Jackson embrace...and sniffling continuously...

Jackson: he Worked as a waiter in few hotels and studied hard, he didn't have money to survive his mother and his own.. after 3 years he got job from my father company then here he was ....he created everything with his own hands and hardwork....he built this entire Empire for his love....

For tae......

He was starving manydays....he cried for tae many nights ....he got pannick attacks when he heard the new about tae engagement with bogum...from that day he was so devastated....his health become worse...no one know about this all...but I'm the only witness for his lone suffering..

but uk what he never stopped smiling. his smiles always with him only for tae ...

Tae pov:  "

you know jungkook ..... I love your smile...it's really good on your face .. bunny teeth and bunny smile...
I really love it u know ..said male while kissing his lips...

Jungkook : if i really know this at first i couldn't angry anyone in my life..bcz ur soft kisses gives evrything to me...
My lovely bear .... dominant male captured tae lips and tasted eagerly "

Pov end...

Tae exale his breath and tears flowed from his doe eyes .he stepped towards jungkook and took him into his close chest ...

Both shared a movement...

Jungkook : I....i'm...... sorry.....sorry .... tae....
I'm ...SORRY.... my ....love.....plzz.....for give me.....plzzz tae

Tae shushed him to  stop murmuring and told a sweet words to jungkook to comfort him....

Jungkook held his waist tight like a coala...and male said apologizes  continuously to tae..

. Tae:“I wasn’t expecting you. I didn’t think that we would end up together. The single most extraordinary thing I’ve ever done with my life is fall in love with you. I’ve never have  been seen so completely, loved so passionately and protected so fiercely.” 

I won't regret the choice u made me as your life ,soo i decided to gave some space jungkook...i respect ur decision at same it gives me pain alot...
It's really unbearable baby....

Tae cried in jungkook shoulders...

Jungkook:We both are sorry for eachother....

This is all god fault,let's curse him later ...


Jimin: it's your fault !!
no sorry for u jungle fuckbook 😤


Let me know how is this chapter...

Is Jungkook deserve a sorry from tae?

How is tae role?

Is hyungs doing good?

How is Jackson character 😂.....

How did u feel bogum entryyyyyy😌

Ignore all my mistakes and shower some love💕

Lots of love from Sona ❤️

destined love ❤️ taekook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now