Chapter 2: Changes

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Y/n sits in the room that houses his friends sitting in the chair in between each bed. He hasn't slept in a day and a half worried about his friends. But Jen brought him new set of clothes so he wasn't covered in his friends blood.

He bounced his leg with his chin in his hands anxious. Then he saw Cass stirring. He whipped his head over as he saw her open her now blood red eyes. "Cass! hey are- whoa" he was caught off guard by her eyes. He ran to the hallway and shouted that she's awake before running back. "Hey Cass are you ok?" He asked voice filled with concern. "Y-Y/n what's going on?" She said confused "We're in a hospital. That dude bit into your jugular. How are you feeling?" He asked her "I'm feeling t-tired and drained. Like I have no energy.... And I'm cold" Y/n sighed "That's probably normal..." as Cass got her bearings she finally got a good look at Y/n. He had hair caked with blood, a shoddy hoodie with a pair of sweats and shoes that also had blood on them. Then she noticed how tired he looked. "Y-Y/n when was the last time you slept?" She asked concerned "That's not important right now. The doctor should be here any second" he said. "It's important to me, when did you sleep last?" He sighed "I'll sleep when you two are better. ok?" He said annoyed at Cass not being concerned for herself. "That's n- wait you two?" She said he sighed "He's ok and expected to make a full recovery." With that he moved so that Cass could get a good look at Will. "Oh my god is he ok-" then they were cut off by the Doctors rushing in the room. And Y/n was ushered out as he called Cassandra's mom.

A few hours Later

Y/n was sitting in the room that now just housed a snoozing Will. "Hey man... Cass woke up she's in a different room they got to run a few tests before she can leave. You should wake up soon tryouts start Wednesday... Also what happened to you man? I was just trying to get Cass to the hospital and I saw you there torn t-to ribbons. Some lunatic bit into Cass's neck... just wake up soon please." He got up and put his hand on the door handle from behind him he heard "Is she doing ok?" He turned around and saw Will sitting straight up looking at him intently waiting for a answer. Y/n smiled in relief.

A few days later

After a day of tests and check ups in the two friends they were finally allowed to go home. Y/n drove them all to school the following Monday. In the car Y/n started talking again "Are you sure you guys are able to go to school? You don't want to take a day or two off?" He asked having finally slept after two days. "Yes Y/n I'm fine. Actually I feel good!" Will said. Will was now taller and more muscular then before which gave Y/n a wrong vibe. "It's ok Y/n I feel fine... just a little low on energy" Cass said. "Ok..." Y/n said worried for his friends.

As they drove from Cassandra's point of view she had this weird feeling. She could almost in a way sense something. Like a delicious food right next to her. She looked to her left and saw Y/n driving. He radiated this feeling of sustenance, feeling of life. Then from behind her she felt a similar feeling not of sustenance but of something tainted. She saw Will in the back seat. He had that same aura of sustenance but it felt sour or tainted like spoiled milk. She kept staring at Y/n. She began salivating. "Uh you good Cass?" yeah asked now addressing her "Oh uh yeah... yeah I'm good" she responded now looking away setting her eyes on the hundreds of students of DeadWood public high school.

From Wills point of view everything was really loud. He could hear Y/n's breathing like it was in his ear. He heard a conversation from the school that was about a block away. He could hear a rhythmic beat coming from Y/n's chest. He could also smell things. He smelt the mint toothpaste on Cassandra's I teeth, the cheap cologne Y/n's was wearing, the gas's and oil of the car he was sitting in. He also felt energetic. He was more alert, his reflexes were on point. He doesn't know why but it feels good.

They parked the dingy Oldsmobile at the school and they got out. They strolled through the parking lot. Cass had her hood up with saying "it's hot today" even though it was a decent seventy degrees Fahrenheit. Will was looking around frantically taking in the scenery seeming overstimulated. Y/n just walked normally. "Y'all wanna come chill at my place later? Get some work done?" Will asked while the trio walked "Sorry Will can't" Cass said "I'm down" Y/n said. With plans cemented they continued to their classes.

As they walked through the halls Will was bombarded by sounds and smells. Some kid clicking his pen in a class room. A girl applying perfume in the second floor girls bathroom. A kid who didn't brush his teeth. Overwhelmed he called to his friends "Hey guy-" then he realized his friends were already In class sitting down.


Y/n and Will were chilling in wills room Y/n was planning on spending the night to see what's up with Will. He noticed him acting weird all throughout the school day and he grew worried so he planned on keeping a close eye on him. The started scribbling on their homework trying to get it done so that they can chill for the rest of the night. Eventually they decided to just hangout and play games for a while before going to sleep. After a while of playing games they decided to go to sleep. Y/n slept in the floor and Will slept in his bed. Y/n heard Will mumbling. "Hungry, I'm hungry" he ignored and they eventually drifted off to dream land.

Later in the night

Y/n woke up to the sound of a window opening and scrambling on the roof outside the window. He sat up and saw Wills bed empty and an agape a cold breeze coming from the open window. Outside he saw Will on all fours booking it for the woods. "... what the fuck" was all he said before scrambling to get some normal clothes on and follow after him.


Cassandra tossed and turned trying to sleep but she couldn't. She was extremely hungry, so much that it almost physically hurt. She clawed her way out of her bedroom into the kitchen. She opened her pantry and saw several snacks. She picked up a box of cookies and took a bite out of one. She was expecting a sweet chocolatey flavor. But instead was greeted with something that was sour and disgusting, like eating a handful of rat poison. She immediately went to the sink and hacked up what was in her mouth. She was a little scared now. *Maybe they were rotten?* she thought to herself she then grabbed a bag of chips and bit into it. Same thing. She opened her fridge and grabbed an apple again the same thing happened. She opened a box of leftovers, tasted like acid. She now was silently sobbing. From not being able to eat food, and from the pain of the hunger.

Then she heard something she looked around and saw out her back door, a raccoon rooting around in her trash. She sensed that same feeling of sustenance that she felt this morning with Kenny. She slowly began approaching she felt her sanity slip away.

In the woods

Y/n ran through the woods yelling profanity trying to find his friends. "Where the fu- Will!" He yelled trying to find him. He kept running and he found a spot of blood. He stopped in order to examine it and saw more drops leading away past the trees. Worried he began following. As he did he eventually heard a ripping gushing sound.

He eventually saw a large humanoid figure that was hunched over what looked like a deer carcass. It had yellow glowing eyes and sharp claws that it used to rip into the carcass and pull out chunks of flesh that it began to swallow. Y/n watched in silent horror as the creatures disgustingly ate its fill. After what felt like hours and the creature had ate the entire deer including the bones. It began writhing and shrinking, eventually it fell over into the figure of one William Berne. Will was completely passed out and covered in blood especially around his mouth and hands. Y/n sat there in silent shock racking his brain of trying to think of something to do.

Cassandra's backyard

Cassandra finally came too as she was on her knees in the backyard with the dead body of a raccoon. There were two large holes in the poor creature. Cassandra was confused and shocked. She was able to catch her reflection in the window and saw her face around her mouth covered with blood. The taste in her mouth was a pungent metallic. She began sobbing again confused as to what happened and why she killed this poor creature.

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