Chapter 4

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I hear him before I feel his firm hands grab my waist and holler me up.

I try to push him away. I try to run away again. But it is no use, he has me trapped in his grip.

I can't escape.

It was stupid to run. I did exactly what he told me not to do and I was idiotic enough to disobey a killer. But my fear consumed me and I acted before I thought about the consequences.

"Please... Just let me go home." I whisper.

"Not yet, little killer."

With a single strong hand gripped firmly around my waist, he walks us back to the stairs that descend down into the floor of the woods.

I have no idea where they lead to and I don't think I want to know but I ask him anyway.

"Where do those stairs go?"

"I'll tell you when we get inside. After you."

He let goes of my waist and I look down at the darkness and then I look at him.

Slowly, with one hand on the floor of the woods and another on the wooden stairs, I descend down the steep stairs.

They go on for about 10 meters. Descending deeper and deeper into the earth.

I hear him follow closely behind me.

When I get to the bottom I look around only to be in a small wooden room with a single door.

Maybe I am going insane but I hear this faint noise of muffled music in the distance. It sounds like some club.

The killer joins me in the small room and then tells me to sit down on the small wooden chair in the corner.

I do as he says figuring that I am already down here there is nothing I can do other than do what he tells me.

"This place is called 'The Grove.'" He starts. "In the most basic terms, it is a club created by an old rich guy who lures girls here convincing them that it is some once-in-a-lifetime party when in reality it is a scheme to kidnap and rape girls."

Horror fills me as he explains the story.

My face fills with disgust.

"That's—that's horrible." I say.

"Damn straight. This place is littered with old rich men who pay the owner fuck money in order to partake in this... scheme. One by one, I've started the tedious task of killing every last one of them but they are like fuckign cockroaches, they never die. They are never gone. More men keep coming. Emerging from some unknown place."

I stay silent, even as the information he is telling me processes in my brain.

The men he is killing are from this place. The men he is killing are evil grubs who rape women.

That is if he is telling the truth. I have no reason to believe anything that a killer tells me.

"How can I trust that what you are saying is the truth? That you are killing rapists?"

"Because I am about to kill the mastermind behind it all tonight. I need to kill the owner. That is the only way I will be able to end this mess. Except it's not as easy as I anticipated." He crosses his arms over his coat. "He has made a few enemies over the years so he's got security all over his ass in the club. The only people the sad fuck interacts with are his victims, the girls." He looks at me and I have a small suspicion that I know what he is going to say. "That is exactly why I need you. I need you to go inside and make him take—"

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