The Ball(Chapter 2)

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        as i arrive at the ball i'm astonished to how many people are actually here it is way more than i thought. i make my way into the ball room and go towards the bar and order myself a martini just to make the night go a bit easier. i get my drink and make my way over to a table trying to do as little talking as possible, i stand there leaning on the table just scrolling through a book on my phone when a man walks up to my table. with a strong italian accent he asks " what are you reading tesoro(darling)" as i look up i see a tall man with black hair with red highlights and and all black suit fit perfectly to his body accentuating every muscle in his body. i respond with thats none of your business  but have a great night as i walk away from him.

     a few hours into the night i am a little bit tipsy from the lack of eating and only drinking martinis so i head to the balcony on the second floor of the establishment tucked at the end of a well hidden hallway to get some air and try to sober up, while i'm standing looking out at the beautiful city of Verona that i don't visit that often i feel a breath of hot air and a tall presence behind my back and i turn around to be faced with the same man that came up to me earlier in the night. already startled, he pushes me against the brick wall pinning me under his body unable to move "he asks do you know who i am?" speechless i don't respond and instead he says " i am Lorenzo Romano i'm the heir to the Romano mafia and that pissed me off when you walked away tesoro(darling) i just wanted to tell you how beautiful you looked tonight."

I push him off me and try to walk away with an annoyed expression, when he pulls me back and pins me with even more strength. I tell him to get off me but instead he smirks and pulls me even closer and kisses me creating even more tension between us when he pulls away he see the redness appearing on my face and smirks even more he pulls me back in and moves my dress to the point the slit isn't on my thigh anymore its between my legs as he puts his knee between my legs and pulls me in and starts to kiss me again with more passion as i start to lean more into it he moves his knee up higher, we continue making out for 5 minutes when we hear gun shots...

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