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A Dream Of Change




Like most mornings in Gardenia you slowly got up , living away from the inner city made your days much more peaceful. Besides you had nothing to do within the city anyway, and when it came to it the only person you'd up and visit was Bloom. Hold on......where is Bloom...? I havn't seen or heard from her at all. You jumped out of your bed heading downstairs to find your yearly calendar, it was still summer time so there was no need to start getting ready for school. "And Bloom doesn't head out on her yearly summer beach trip until next week.. why haven't I seen her?"

You decided to get ready and visit her, you couldn't get the feeling that something was wrong off of your chest. You changed and ate something quick, fixing your hair was easier said than done and by the time you finished the sun was much higher in the sky. Still morning though, it hadn't become noon yet as you made your way through the city, some people continued to give me odd looks but at this age I stopped caring for them much.


"The evil witch is coming run!"

I dropped the snacks I'd been holding onto the floor as one of the boys pushed me before running off with the rest of the kids, I stayed seated on the floor just staring at the small bags filled with sweets. They were for the other kids, my mom said it'd help me make friends in this new town to call home...she was wrong.

"Hey are you ok?"

I looked up to find a girl with bright blue eyes and vibrant red hair, her overalls and pale yellow shirt accompanied by her pigtails held up by bows. I could heard something in the back of my mind and without thinking I spoke," You look like a fairy haha."

She crossed her arms a satisfied smile on her face," I am a fairy!"

"Do you have magic too?"

To this she pouted and looked away slightly, her face becoming flush," I-I havn't learned it yet... that's all." Shaking her head she bent down and began to pick up what I had dropped," Is all this candy?" I nodded and she handed me then again, but not before taking on for herself. "My name is Bloom."

I tossed the rest into the trash can nearby, Bloom following me slightly confused, "My name is Y/N, let's learn magic together ok?"

Well I guess my mom wasn't entirely wrong.


"How many years has it been, it feels like an eternity," I smiled as I began to remember the time her parents caught us making magic potions out of soap. Little did they know it actually worked as the trash can the parents had tossed it into "mysteriously" became shiny and new and since them it can never get dirty. I sighed as I got off a bus and began to walk on the sidewalk, I made my way towards Blooms mothers flower shop as she was already up and open. I thought I might as well ask her.

"Welcome," her motherly tone was always sweet and meant a lot to me who had lost my mother years ago. "I'll be with you in just a moment," I let out a laugh as I walked further inside and grabbed a pot she was struggling to reach from her step stool.

"Don't worry I'm not a customer," once she looked starught at me I saw her eyes light up and her smile go wide.

"Y/N! Sweetheart, how have you been?" She quickly came down from her stepstool and rushed at me with a hug. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

"It certainly feels like forever.." I gave her a hug back before we pulled apart and I looked at her eyes, "I'm here looking for Bloom. It's summertime and she hasn't come around, I haven't even seen her when I'm in the city. Is she just too busy being a sleepy head haha." I felt my heart drop as the she simply looked away and laughed awkwardly, I knew it something is wrong.

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