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What Makes A Magical Being




The walk was so much farther than I had anticipated, by the time I reached the school I was slightly wishing I was back on earth where it was nighttime and I could have slept decently. Or if my spell had worked as it usually did, astral projection , then i could fly without a worry but instead I was physically sent here. My witch urges couldn't help themselves no matter how insane this was to do though. As I approached the entrance this huge door that was shaped like fluttering wings suddenly opened and I walked inside, all these girls were just lounging about, somewhere even putting up small decorations. Well not exactly 'putting them up' ...

I watched as one of the girl transformed and suddenly had wings, she flew up and began to add decorations with magic to the buildings entrance, "Woah.....even I can't do that." So this is the magic Bloom has? Bloom really is a fairy... I made my way into the building in the middle, trusting my instincts to lead the way for me and eventually I came across many doors in a hallway. They looked like the size doors that hotel suites have...."wait a second, they're dorm rooms." I went down the hallways slowly, seeing some girls leaving their dorm rooms in groups of 5 or 6. I wanted to ask them to point me to Bloom but I had a feeling me coming here without knowing anyone was already pushing my luck. For all I know I'll have evil witches after me too already. Shaking my head to clear my thoughts I continued walking until I came up to a room that had a small sign on it, unlike the other rooms that still had names posted up, it simply said "Winx"

"It's here."

I knocked on the large door and eventually I heard shuffling inside the room. The door opened up and I saw a tan girl with long honey brown hair, wearing shades of pink and green. She offered me a soft smile before speaking, "Oh hello, do you need something?"

Are fairies supposed to be inhumanly beautiful? I smacked myself mentally and cleared my throat, "I'm uh looking for Bloom. Is she here?" The girl nodded and let me inside before heading towards where I assumed Bloom was, "Tell her an old friend is here."

With another soft smile she went into the room, while I waited I was looking at the place, it was twice as big as you'd expect just from seeing the main doors. No wonder the doors are so spaced out, each dorm holds quite a few students. I walked further into the room and reached what I assumed to be the "living room" and I looked out the main window. Slowly I realized it was actually a balcony so I pushed open the door and walked outside, from here I managed to finally get a good view of the bright pink school. First off it was way bigger than It looked from the front , even walking inside there were way more hallways and rooms that it would have appeared to have. A part of me wished I was able of going to this "fairy school" but seeing the magic those girls displayed without even trying....I could never. This magic and whatever it is I have were far too different.

"Where'd she go?"

I heard that beautiful girl speak in her soft tone again behind me, before I turned around I met eyes with someone out in the courtyard. Another beautiful being with long brown hair and a thin frame but this one had.. elf ears? Before I could figure it out I was suddenly pulled into the room and into a hug. Next thing I could see was red hair and I instantly hugged back, "Bloom!"


We pulled apart and I kept my hands on her shoulders," It feels like I haven't seen you in forever, I mean.."I pulled apart and spread my arms wide, "Now you go to fairy school! How could you not tell me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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