Dear star
I am doing this for u I know that u dominant me I am just a bother and I am gay u know that I have been bullied forever love u sissy
Your brother JakeThis is my brothers suicide note
My brother committed suicide 3 years ago. He was my best friend he committed suicide because he was gay and was getting bullied I watched him cut himself and I tried to stop him nut I was to late I miss him so much I am star and I am emo I get bullied a lot because of my brother's best friend he told every one about me getting raped and me cutting . I have tried to commit suicide but my other older brother James saved me. I am 18 and not it is time to go to a thing I call hell but u call it school.
At schoolI get off of my motorcycle and did I mention I am the bad ass. I walked in to the school and went to my locker I saw my crush Justin. I looked down because he saw looking at him. "Hey star" I hear him say " yeah" "will u got out with me " he said omg omg "yeah " I said then he ran up to me and picked me up and gave me a.kiss.
Hey guy go easy my third book so vote and comment and follow