In the dark

7 0 0

At the House

I wake up. I rub my eyes. And I see the black figure in front of me.

"Good morning, sleepyhead" the black figure says.


"Black figure?"


I jolt back in fear.

"Don't worry once I hurt you, everything will be done, and you can rest... with the rest of my victims..."

"Let me go..."

"Why should I?"

"B-b-because I-I-I'm just an innocent boy!"

"Oh. Lots of my victims are innocent boys..."


"Should I kill you now, or kill you later?"


"I knew, you'd say that..."

"Where are Luna and Otto?"

"Oh you mean them? Your girlfriend and your father?"

"What? Luna isn't my girlfriend and Otto isn't my father!"


"Oh they're locked inside a room."

"Which room!?"

"Like I'm gonna tell you which room."

The black figure's voice is louder, but it just sounds like an AI voice, clearly he or she doesn't want me to find out it's gender or voice in general, so they're just using AI... well there is drama with that...

"Lemme show you something."

"I'll be right back, stay here kid."


When the black figure leaves, I set a plan into action. I see a knife on a table.


I knock over the table and reach for the knife, I am able to get it.

I cut myself free and run as fast as I can, determined to find Luna and Otto.

Eventually, I hear in the distance the black figure.

"Hey! Why you little brat!"

The black figure runs after me, but, suddenly, I am thrown back by my hair. By my hair, the black figure drags me back into captivity.

"I want to show you something, brat!"

"Here we have three dolls."

There are three dolls.

"I handmade them, they are Luna, Otto, and I."

"This is me, okay?"


"And the others are Luna and Otto, got that?"


"And this is what will happen to them."

The black figure then makes it look like his doll, kills Luna and Otto.

Uh oh... the black figure is gonna kill Luna and Otto... I have to stop him....

"What about me?"

"Oh, you. You're head gets cut off."

"In 3."





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