Chapter 1

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It was another sunny day. Weiwuxian let himself drown to the bottom of the river and swam up. He used to do it when he wants to cool off his body. When he did the same for second time, a metalic thing caught his eyes. He took it with him before he comes out..

Weiwuxian drained his hair, put on his robes and sat down. He looked back and forth, its a have a cloud emblem.. Like lans. The metal was nice and classic...

How did lans cloud emblem ended up here in yunmeng???

He analysed more, found out that it has a similarity with lan's forehead ribbon but looks like a crown.

Lans have crown?

"Hi.. "

Weiwuxian heard a deep voice, turned back to see who that person is..

A man in white robes was standing behind him, staring at him without any emotion.

Weiwuxian got up as he noted other's golden eyes, perfectly curved jaw, soft coloured lips.. The attire is almost like lans, but not a lan uniform... The only thing that lacks for him is their famous forehead ribbon. He looks a bit older than him.. Maybe an year or two..?

Weiwuxian smiled widely as he enquired, "Hi.. Who're you young master? I haven't seen you before here."

Lan wangji, pointed the metalic object in his hands with his eyes as he said in calm voice, "That's mine."

Weiwuxian, " Oh.. You lost it ? Thank me later, I got it from this river.. Here!" Stretched that but other didn't take it from his hands.

Lanwangji stared at his eyes, " What's your name?"

Weiwuxian with a smiling face, "Weiying courtesy wuxian. Yours?"

"Lanzhan, wangji."

"Nice name. lan zhan.. " looked at his hands that still stretching out that metal thing, "You don't want this? "

"Are you sure you want to give it back?"

"Ofcourse. It's yours. Why should i keep other's things.. Or perhaps you mistook me as a thief.. Oh.. Then.. Hear me well. I'm not and I'm the head disciple of Jiang sect, not begger or thief. Take your things and just go" frowned but cutely. He didn't know why he can't be angry at this handsome man.

Wangji quietly took it from him, said, " I'm sorry if i offend you. It's my duty to ask before i take it from you.. You can't ask it again from now on.."

"Duty? And why i-"

Lanwangji looked over his shoulders, " There's a guy coming to you... Don't talk to me when other's are around "


"Because no one can see, hear or touch me. Only you can.. "

Weiwuxian 's eyes stared at wangji in disbelief for a minute, then "ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

Lanwangji covered his ears at that heavy noise.

"Why're you screaming Weiwuxian? " the guy wangji mentioned asked..

Weiwuxian turned back, saw his brother, without stopping his scream he ran towards him, wailed, "ARHHH JIANG CHENG GHOSTT... GH.. GHOOSTTT" he jumped on other.

Jiang cheng somehow managed to hold him and himself not to fall on the ground.

Weiwuxian hugged Jiang cheng tightly as he screamed next to Jiang Cheng's ears, almost breaking his ear drums, "TELL HIM TO GO AWAYYY.."

Jiang cheng groaned," Arghh... Lower your voice i can hear you idiot. I'll be deaf by your screams "

Weiwuxian shaking a bit" Sorry... Tell him " still not looking back.

Jiang cheng, "I heard ghosts are mostly girls. Is she pretty?"

Weiwuxian, " It's Man!"

Jiang cheng rolled his eyes," Is that your matter? "

Weiwuxian shouted," JIANG CHENG!"


Weiwuxian clinged more," please don't... "

While wangji, " This place are full of noisy people. How am i going to survive?"

Jiang cheng, " Wwx.. Come down.. I can't hold you anymore.. You've gained weight.. "

Weiwuxian smacked him," I won't.. "

Jiang cheng looked straightly where no one is present, yet, he spoke, "Young master Ghost, My brother may be looks like a Powerful cultivator but a ghost story for children can make him pee on the bed. So- what?" He stopped when he got a light punch from his brother again.

Weiwuxian, " Stop embarrassing me.. " cutely.

Jiangcheng, " He's not your crush, is he? It's a ghost. GHOST. Let me finish it "

Weiwuxian nodded seriously, " okay"

Lan wangji, " They're not only noisy but a brainless too " mumbled

Jiang cheng, " Where was i? Yeah.. So go away from my brother.... Now you come down " patted Wwx's back a little

Weiwuxian slided down from his body, side glanced at the place where wangji is still standing with a weary face.

"ARGHHHH... IT'S THERE... THERE... THERE..." hid behind Jiang cheng

Jiang cheng dragged him, "Then let him stay there... Let's go back.. Mother and jie were looking for you... He won't follow us.." With shaking legs Weiwuxian ran with Jiang cheng.

Wangji " I'm not a Ghost."


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