More that life itself pt. 1

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Björn found a new restaurant and the fantastic four were hungry.
"come on Frida hurry up, Agnetha and Björn are waiting for us in the car" Benny yelled from the kitchen, "Slow down Benny I'm pregnant and I'm not that fast" Frida yelled back, "they have a lot of food there" Benny laughed and fast Frida was in the kitchen. "ome on Benny hurry up" Frida said and both started to laugh.
They had to drive a few hours so Frida sat down next to Agnetha and Benny sit down in the front seat.
It was nearly midnight and Agnetha and Frida fell asleep, and Frida of course rested her head on Agnetha's shoulder. "They look like a couple" Björn whispered to Benny and started to laugh, suddenly a truck was behind them. "Björn look the truck behind us!" Benny whispered "Yes I've seen him.." Björn answered and drove a bit faster. "He's coming very close" Benny replied  while getting nervous, "shit he's coming closer with incredibly speed!" Björn was a bit pissed off and the girls woke up for a moment, "What's wrong my love?" Agnetha said half awake/half asleep, "uhm..nothing honey I just have to drive a bit faster but everything is fine" Björn lied and Agnetha  fell back asleep again. "Benny???" Frida got panic and Benny turned around to Frida and before he could say something he saw the truck coming closer "fuck he can't see us!!" Björn yelled.
Suddenly the truck hit them in the back, causing the Windows to break, the car spiraled out of control and it went off the road. Björn was desperately trying to stop it, he pressed the brakes but to no avail. He tried very hard to stop.
The last thing Björn remembered before blacking out was windshield breaking, and the image of another car in front of him. Headphones pounding and headache. Benny felt like he couldn't move, actually he couldn't move. Björn opened his eyes and looked around.
Benny tried to watch after Frida but he couldn't move his head, Frida's head was tilted and rested on the Window.
"Fri-Frida? Ag-Agnetha??" Benny whispered but got no answer, panic overcomes him. "Björn can you move?" He asked with panic, "I guess.. wait.." Björn answered and turned around to the back seat's, he smacked Frida on her cheeks but got no response, he touched her neck feeling for a pulse, there was one but it wasn't exactly steady. He smacked Agnetha on her cheeks and she woke up with panic, "Wh-what happened? everything hurts, my leg I can't move it.!" She said, "Shh honey it's ok just don't move, we had an accident!" Björn replied and tried to get her out off the car, he helped her careful to sit down on the grass and Agnetha began to cry. "Where are Benny and Frida??" She cried "I'll try to get them out of the car please call 911 or whatever their number here is" Björn was quite nervous he couldn't tell Benny that Frida's pulse wasn't steady. Agnetha called the number..

What Björn saw was horrible.. The windows shattered, basically the entire back of the car was crashed, and there was Frida lying on her seat.
Her arms were covered in blood like her face. "They should arrive in a couple of minutes" Agnetha screamed and wiped the blood off her face, "Don't cry honey I'm here" Björn replied, suddenly Benny spoke, "Agnetha please.. we are here, don't cry!" Benny screamed and tried to get out, "Where is Frida I can't hear her?! What's with her!?" Agnetha shouted back, "Everything is fine please" Björn got tears, Frida's skin was deathly pale, Agnetha broke her leg. "Björn help me to get up I need to see if Frida is ok!! Please!!" Agnetha cried and Björn helped her...bad mistake...
Agnetha looked into the damaged car and was shocked "FRIDA!!" Björn wrapped his arma carefully around Agnetha and tried to calm her down. "For fucks sake get me out of the car, my fiancé isn't awake and she's pregnant someone please come and help us!!!!" Benny screamed and got hysterical.
Suddenly Björn heard voices, so close yet so far away, they seemed to be going further. A couple of minutes passed, the voices got nearer and sirens started beeping, Benny covered his ears. Soon he saw the door next to him getting broken and people pulling it out so they could get to him..and then...light.
The door was out and he couldn't have been happier. People were around him speaking fast. " fiancé..the best friends..." He mumbled at the questions. Benny tried getting out but immediately he lost his balance and fell down, he had a concussion. They tried to get Frida out off the car it was not easy but they made it. "Agnetha and Björn...are they ok?" Benny asked with broken voice and got no answer yet.. The ambulance brought them to the next hospital.

-In the hospital-

Finally, Frida opened her eyes, she was in a hospital indeed, the only thing she saw was nurses running to her but she had huge problems to realize whats going on then she closed her eyes again. Björn tried to clean Agnetha's face careful from all the blood. The doctor went into the room. "I need to know, what's with my fiancé and my baby?" Benny was so worried "We'll give her medicine and the baby is okay, she had luck" the doctor replied and Benny got silent. "It's my damn fault" Björn said holding his head between his hands. "No it's not Björn it was the stupid truck, you have absolutely no fault" Benny looked up at him and Agnetha stroked Björn's face, "We are alive, that's what matters.." Agnetha said. The doctor gave her a gypsum because of the broken leg. Björn began  to talk about Linda to cheer Agnetha up a bit and both decided to call the nanny so they could hear Linda's voice. Björn and Agnetha spoke to her and promised that mommy and daddy would come home soon.
Benny broke down next beside to Frida. "Why isn't she awake yet.." he whispered "she has a strong concussion and had glass splinters from the windshield in her face and arms,we removed them , it's not dangerous anymore for your fiancé and the baby" the doctor answered and checked Björn because his back was hurting as hell. All three listened to the doctor and sat down around Frida's bed. For one moment nobody said a word, silence overcome them all..

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