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The hands of the clock moved slowly but steadily. Second by second, minute by minute.

Finally, the second and minute hands met at 12. And just like that a herd of students was released from the training area. They flowed out, pushing and pulling, like they might get stuck inside if not gone as fast as possible.

Joe stepped back, allowing the students to take the stairs next to her and make their way to the cafeteria where lunch awaited them. The smell of lasagna carried all the way over, prompting the students to quicken their step in longing.

As they all avoided the redhead, she concentrated on picking out a specific person in the crowd. Her gaze moved over the heads of a group of girls, momentarily stuck on her favorite group of troublemakers and then fixed on the boy behind them. Her brows furrowed in determination.

Luckily, he wasn't far. All she needed to grab him was to take a small step forward and reach out. She pulled him aside by his arm and smiled once they were situated safely at the bottom of the stairs.

Leo frowned, scanning the girl before him with utmost scrutiny. "I hope you've got a good reason for delaying my well-deserved lunch," he told her, rubbing his stomach.

"I've got what you asked me for," she said, lowering her gaze to get the favor out of her pocket. "Just so you know. I've gone through a lot of trouble to get this for you. It's early access and most people had registered ages ago. I could barely convince Scott to make an exception. But I think I negotiated a pretty good deal in the end. They-"

"Give it to me!" He urged, watching her hand with the phone in it closely. Her words had blown past him completely, not caring for the effort she put in, only the results.

She sighed, handing the phone over to him. "Still don't get what's so cool about this. You could have the same thing if I reprogrammed Eddy. For free."

He waved her off, scrambling to turn the device on. Once the black turned to white a robotic voice sounded, "Choose your preference." Leo tapped away at the screen, not letting Joe have a glimpse at the phone for even a second. Then, it happened. A feminine voice spoke up. "Hello, stranger. My name is Shelly. I'm happy to assist you in your day. Can I know your name?"

A loud cheer escaped his mouth and he nudged Joe with wide eyes. "See?" He said, awaiting a defeated expression on her face now that she experienced it first-hand. Yet her face remained stoic. He rolled his eyes but sighed, "Thank you."

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes again and crossed her arms. "You got what you promised?"

Leo scoffed, putting the phone in the pocket of his joggers and pulling out his wallet from the other. She didn't question why he had his wallet with him for training but she made sure he noticed how weird she thought it. "Don't forget who you're talking to," he then replied, extending the tickets toward her.

Code Combination - C. DavenportWhere stories live. Discover now