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16/02/21 - 22:47

I was alone, on a street, with a suitcase in one hand and my phone in the other, searching for any hotel or somewhere I could stay for the night..

I moved to America about a week ago. I didn't want to, I liked Prague much better. It was more my vibe you know?
But I couldn't leave my mom.. I moved because of her. Ever since my brother died and she got divorced with my dad she hasn't been mentally well.
Although about a month ago she found this new boyfriend Mark, that's why we moved. He's american and we moved to his house.

I was scared leaving her alone with some guy whom she met about a month ago. I wanted to keep her company in case he was a dick. Well turns out she wasn't feeling the way I thought she was at all.

I just wanted to help and now I'm in the middle of some street at 11 at night trying to look for a place to stay..

The night breeze was very faint but relaxing, making the hot air a bit more bearable.
I was starting to loose hope, there were almost no hotels in this area and if there were, they were full,

I was looking through my phone when I suddenly got a notification from twitch: 'Karl Jacobs is going live!'.

Oh my god.
How did I manage to completely forget about Karl?
We used to be best friends until I turned 21. Then he got busy with the dream smp and mr beast, so we stopped talking but I remember him saying that he lives around this area.

I quickly open discord and start looking through our old chats. It didn't take long till I found it. About 2 years ago I was supposed to visit this specific town so he sent me his address but then I had to cancel my flight because something important came up.

Once I figure out where i'm supposed to go I started walking, a weird adrenaline feeling in my stomach.

I mean I haven't talked to him in so long and now I'll just knock on his door all like: "heyy, how you doin?".
Oh my god, what if he doesn't live there anymore? What if he moved?

Nahh I doubt it.. Hopefully.

After about a 20 min walk I arrive at a relatively big white house.
I stand there for a few moments looking at the house lost deep in thoughts.

It didn't take long and I was pulled out of my thoughts by a scream that could be heard from the window on the left side of the second floor that was slightly open: "SAPNAAAAPPPPPPPP AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH HELP MEEEE!!!!"

What the fuck.
Kinda forgot he was streaming not gonna lie.

I stepped closer to the front door and knocked.


No response.

I knocked again, this time louder.

"Hold on someone is knocking on my door" Karl said talking to somebody through his headset.

I could hear footsteps getting closer, closer and closer.
Then suddenly the door opened and I was met face to face, with Karl.

He looked a bit confused at first but then his whole expression changed to a happy surprised.

"Sage?" He asked reassuring himself in case he was seeing stuff.

"Karl." I reply with a huge smirk on my face.

"Oh. My. GOODDDDD" he squealed as he started jumping up and down pulling me into a hug.

For a few moments we were just jumping up and down, screaming like little girls.

"I haven't seen you in so long! What are you doing here? How did you get here? When did you- I have so many questions" Karl said, all in one breath.

"Calm down, calm down.. I got here a week ago and- uhm, can we discuss this inside? I kinda have a uhm well i need a favour..?" I say a bit surprised by his reaction (a good kind of surprised)

"Oh! Of course! I'm so sorry i'm just surprised you're here." He says as he lets me in and shuts the door behind us.

"I'm surprised too to be honest" I reply slightly chuckling. I set my stuff down next to the couch and turn around to meet Karl's eyes.

"Uhm I just wanted to say that I have a little- or not so little proposal." He says visibly nervous.

"Oh?" I reply confused. "Well I guess you can start" I say.

"Oh no, you start." He blurts out.

"No I bet your thing is way more important"

"I really doubt it."

"Karl just start for heavens sake."

"Okay, okay, I'll start.." he says finally giving up.

"So basically for a while now, I've been looking for a roommate but I still haven't found anyone.." he starts.

"Is this going where I think it's going?" I question.

"Well uhm, do you wanna be my roommate?" He finally says.

I stand there for a few moments processing what Karl just said. It didn't take long for us to start screaming and jumping up and down screaming: "YEESSSSSS LETS GOOO".

When we finally calm down I realise that Karl never stopped streaming..

"Uhm Karl..?" I say.

"Yeah, what's up?" he replies.

"Did you ever end your stream?" I ask.

"Oh shit." He says as he starts sprinting up the stairs towards his room shouting: "ILL GET BACK WITH YOU ONCE I END THE STREAM, MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME IN THE MEANTIME".

He hasn't changed.

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