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Over at camp, after two-and-a-half hours of soundless sleeping, Kiara woke up. She sat up slowly and looked around, remembering what day it was. Smiling and well-rested, Kiara made her way towards the central area of the treehouse, only to shriek as something dark flashed before her.


It was the campers! Kiara laughed, looking around at the blue plumeria, bromeliads and passion flowers scattered around the treehouse. Hanging vines had been purposefully placed on the shower door and the drawing board. And on the coffee table was a castle of snacks that smelt sweet and delicious!

"You guys," Kiara said, smiling wide. "Thank you so much. You are so sweet, oh my gosh! I can't believe–and you decorated this all!"

"Sorry we couldn't get you a proper cake. Once we're off this island, know that I'll be making sure our birthday parties are the best," Sammy said with a grin.

"No, no, it's perfect."

Kiara looked around again, and the corners of her mouth twitched down. "Hey, um, where's Darius? Is he okay?" she asked.

"He's fine. He said he'd be back later," Ben reassured her.

"While we wait for D, let's get this party started!" Kenji said. He jumped onto the sofa and cheered, the campers doing the same.

In Kenji's hands is the cassette layer holding Dave's funky mixtape. Kenji pressed play, and Dave's music swam around the campers' ears. Feeling the beat, they danced about, Kenji and Brooklynn challenging one another to a dance battle to end their everlasting feud. The remaining four campers decided who they'd cheer for.

Kiara and Yasmina cheered for Kenji, while Sammy and Ben cheered for Brooklynn! Sammy and Kiara sang an old corny cheer at the top of their voices and twirled around, but their partners shuffled about and rolled their eyes.

Three hours passed, and the sun had begun to fall. The sky was a painting of splattered pinks, oranges and purples, which looked beautiful. But the campers were getting annoyed with the mixtape playing on repeat–at this rate, it would get stuck in their heads!

Ben finally switched it off, poking it with the blunt end of his spear. The others sighed gratefully and sat around the table, eyeing the food.

"Are we going to eat all of this?" Kiara asked as she eyed the treats. She was sure they would all be ill if they ate every item before her, though it would taste good!

"Obvi!" Brooklynn said.

"Even though it doesn't look like a cake, you gotta slice it like one," Sammy grinned.

Kiara nodded and looked for a knife. With a clatter, Kenji dropped his butter knife (the same one he used against the Ceratosaur). Kiara took the knife, thanked her brother, and sliced through the middle gap between the snacks, cans, and bottles.

Everyone cheered and took bits and pieces from the castle of treats rather than taking a "slice" of the vividly-coloured bags.

After most of the food had been devoured (the castle's defences had failed), the campers returned to their singing! Having entered countless karaoke competitions for her 20k special, Brooklynn sang instead of the karaoke machine.

"Baby, I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight," Brooklynn sang.

"I love cheap thrills!" the campers chorused, giggling hard.

"I don't need no money, as long as I can feel the beat! I don't need no money!"


Another six song recommendations later, the campers agreed Kenji could have the spotlight. After all, he had the best taste in music, which nobody agreed with.

𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐒 - camp cretaceousWhere stories live. Discover now