Chapter 1

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The sun rosed and shined. Rays of sunlight streamed through the orange and purple curtains and onto a tap dancer who was peacefully sleeping.The alarm went off in a very annoying way. 2 quickly clicked off the alarm and stared at the picture next to the alarm. It was a picture of 1 and 2. 2 stole one's phone and 1 was Chasing after him. She tackled him right when 2 took the selfie and it looked like he was giving 1 a piggyback. "I still remember like it was yesterday," 2 thought "even though it was a couple years ago," they just got engaged when they took the picture and they got married a year after. Two yawned and got out of bed. He walked past the calendar went on with his day. "Wait" 2 thought. He walked back to the calendar and looked at the date. "July 1 is one's birthday" likely 2 planned an entire day with 1. 1 loved spending time with people, especially with 2. 2 brushed his teeth, ate breakfast, put on his favorite pair of overalls and shoes on and went out the door. "It was oddly quiet in there." 2 thought to himself "maybe 20 was still asleep" 2 kept walking to 1's house. They both live with their siblings 2 lives with 20, 1 lives with zero and her dad, the what-iffer. 2 saw 7 walking with 5. "well hello, 2" seven greeted, waving a friendly hello. "Hello 7!" 2 greeted back. "hello 5!" "Hi, 2" 5 greeted back. Seven and two had a friendly chat, then 2 continued with his walk until he reached 1's house. He walked up the steps and knocked on the door. The door opened, and zero was there. She had a mug full of coffee and looked like she didn't sleep for days. 2 cleared his throat and started to speak. "is 1 still here?" "yeah she's here" 0 replied. "1!" "yeah?" one screamed back.@ 2's here! hurry up you take too long!" "I'm coming I'm coming" once said tiredly. 1 was wearing a red dress with orange accents. "Let's go 2 "1 said.  "yeah 1" 2 replied "I'll be back in a couple hours, zero!" 1 yelled. "OK!" 0 yelled back. 1 and 2 started walking to the first place they were going for 1's birthday.

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