Chapter 1

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Miko yawned as she got off of Bulkhead. Raf and Jack followed as they got off of their vehicles.

"Hey Jack!" Smokescreen smiled before walking over to Jack. "Wanna see some new tricks I learned!?"

Jack chuckled. "Sure, why not?"

Bulkhead transforms into his bot form. "You alright, Miko? You seem more tired than usual."

"Hmm? Yeah-" Miko yawned. "Just didn't get that much sleep last night."

"Well you'll have to save up your energy." Ratchet sighed. "We have a special guest coming soon."

Raf tilts his head as he stood next to Bumblebee. "Guest? Who is it?"

Bumblebee shrugs before Optimus walked into the room to join them.

"Ultra Magnus and I will escort our guest back to base. Everyone else will remain here." He spoke firmly as Ratchet opened the ground bridge.

Arcee nods. "Alright..."

Optimus and Ultra Magnus leaves before Jack turned to Arcee.

"Do we know who this... guest, is?" He raised a brow.

Bulkhead shakes his head. "You wanna ask Ratchet about that."

"Maybe an old friend!" Smokescreen exclaimed.

Ratchet scoffed quietly, "'Friend'..."

Everyone turns to Ratchet.

"Something wrong, Ratchet?" Miko leaned over the railing to Ratchet.

Ratchet waved it off. "I wouldn't call them a friend.....more of an acquaintance." He spat.

"Looks like someone has something up their tailpipe-" Wheeljack muttered under his breath.

"I heard that-" Ratchet glared before turning back to the monitor.

Ratchet soon opened up the ground bridge for Optimus and Ultra Magnus to walk through. The others saw another bot walking behind Optimus.

The bot was taller than Optimus was; he almost looked exactly like him if it wasn't for the different paint job. The taller bot had multiple scars on his faceplate; complimented with his cold, piercing eyes.

And his right arm was replaced with a cannon with a blade on his shoulder. His rusty armor was either cracked or broken.

"Woah...." Smokescreen looked up at the bot in awe. "Well he's intimidating."

Bumblebee shrugs. "I don't know....he kind of looks like Optimus."

"If you take out the kind and calm part out." Arcee muttered and crossed her arms. "He gives me the chills."

"Maybe we shouldn't judge a book by its cover!" Raf intercepted and turned to Optimus. "Who's this, Optimus?"

Optimus turns to Raf. "Yes, I've been meaning to introduce him to you all." He turns to everyone. "Autobots....this is Vigor, and he is my older brother."

Everyone seemed taken aback while Ratchet crossed his arms in annoyance.

"Woah- Optimus had a brother?" Miko smiled in amusement.

Jack shrugged. "And the fact that he would be the younger one..." He muttered.

"He will be a member of Team Prime from this day on." Optimus spoke with his signature voice. "I hope you all will get along."

Everyone nods as Vigor stays silent in place.

Smokescreen was first to come up to Vigor.

"Hey, Vigor!" He smiled widely before putting out his hand for Vigor to shake. "Name's Smokescreen! Nice to meet ya!"

"........" Vigor glared down at him, his scarred brows furrowed. He turned to look at Optimus. "You have these amateurs to protect this planet?" He scoffed. "So typical of you, Prime."

Optimus bit his lip and narrowed his optics at Vigor. Everyone could feel the tension between the two as they stared into each other's optics.

"Amateurs???" Wheeljack raised a brow and took a step forward, before Bulkhead held him back. "And who do you think you are, punk?!"

"Jackie-" Bulkhead put his hand on Wheeljack's shoulder.

Vigor quickly turns to Wheeljack with a glare. "You have something to say, wrecker?" He narrowed his eyes before getting in Wheeljack's face.

"Both of you, cut it out!" Arcee yelled and put her hands on her hips.

"Stay out of this, puny bot." Vigor spat at her. "Someone of your size will never measure up to anything useful."

Arcee took a step back before glaring at Vigor with wide optics. "I dare you to say that again-"

"Enough, Vigor." Optimus put a grabbed Vigor's arm. "You've done enough harm. And I will not allow you to insult my own team."

Vigor scoffed and pulled his arm away aggressively. "Don't tell me what to do, Prime." He growled; his frame rumbled before he turned away, pushing past Optimus and storming down the hall.


"What's up his aft?" Wheeljack crossed his arms and muttered in anger.

Arcee grit her teeth; "Whatever it is, it's gonna be a problem to all of us."

"He's always like this." Ratchet spat. "Optimus, I'm starting to think adding Vigor to the team was a bad idea....not that I thought it was a good idea in the first place."

Optimus nods. "I understand, Ratchet. But I believe Vigor deserves a chance.....I would like all of you understand and try to help Vigor. " He turned to the rest.

Jack nods. "....We'll try."

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