New discoveries

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The next morning went normal. Aida attended classes & worked on the assignments she got from Hecat. After classes she planned to take a walk in the courtyard, when a student approached her. Professor Fig wanted to talk to her. Probably important, she thought, then she headed to his office.

- Professor? - she knocked at the door.
- Come in. - he replied, then she entered.
- You wanted to see me?
- I did. And I'm glad you're fine. Is it true, about the troll attack?

Aida nodded.

- And not just that. I noticed something. The trolls wore armor, with the same dark glow I saw on the dragon.
- But why would Ranrok send trolls to...
- Because of me... - Aida replied. - I... I eavesdropped on a conversation between him & Rookwood. The trolls were actually distractions, so Rookwood could take me away... if it weren't for Sirona & the patrons there.
- They perhaps want what we have found in the vault, no doubt. Speaking of, I just discovered something.

Aida stepped closer to the desk, there was a map of the school. She also saw something. Little glowing dots moving around a part on the map.

- Professor? I see traces on the map, it leads... the library? Here, to be correct. - then she pointed at a certain area.
- The Restricted Section. - Fig said. - I'm eager to discover what we may find there. But I have a feeling it won't be just a come & go. After we experienced what happened at Gringotts, the path we're going through seems dangerous.
- I cannot imagine if a library may be dangerous. Perhaps it's just a book we're after currently.
- You're right, child. But we must be prepared, just in case. I hope you're doing your assignments in the meantime.
- Yes, I even completed a few for Hecat.
- Excellent! Come & see me later, if you're completely done!


Aida entered the DADA classroom to give the finished assignment she finished, before she returned to Fig to discuss the next step. Hecat was impressed how Aida learns fast, as she taught her a new spell.

An hour later she returned.

- I just heard, you did well by completing your assignments. Hecat told me you've taken rather well to your new wand. Still you must continue to work with her, and with the other professors as well.
- Of course.
- But let's focus on our main task, I better not postpone our visit to the library. Shall we?

She was ready to go, but suddenly the Headmaster interrupted. And what Black says, it's saint. After he left, Aida sighed.

- I know what you think, Aida. The library can wait I suppose. We have no choice, we better not provoke the Headmaster further.
- Understood. - She replied, then left the office. She walked through the corridors, when a thought ran across her mind. 'Whether is joining a secret dueling club... or sneaking into the Restricted Section of the library'. She knew the right person.


There he was.

- Bash? May I have a word?
- Oh, Princess. You still owe me an explanation from yesterday. What does Rookwood want from you?

Indeed, she promised him.

- I can trust you, you won't tell anyone, right?
- You can trust me, really.
- Alright. - Then she explained briefly. - It seems Ranrok & Rookwood are working together. And Ranrok is after something I found at Gringotts.
- I don't understand the latter. How did you end up at Gringotts?
- After the dragon attack. Through a Portkey.
- Princess, are you sure you're not speaking in glyphs?
- Can I finish it? - she snapped, making him shut his mouth. - Thank you. So with the Portkey, we ended up in Gringotts, where we found an ancient vault. And inside, there was a map, which leads into the Restricted Section. Something is there, what I need. Even though I promised Fig not to tell a single soul, I think I already told too much.
- I have a feeling you did the right thing. You need help, right? And your secret is safe with me, I promise you.
- Thank you. And since you mentioned the Restricted Section earlier... I need a small favor.

In the shadow of emotions (Gonna REWRITE soon)Where stories live. Discover now