Donna's Pov🤑😘
The baby was gone! A search party was looking for her and spotted her. She was with a man they got her and sent the man to jail. Mom said she wasn't really feeling good and she was pregnant!😳 She wouldn't tell the fam until later that night. She set up a party and got bake squad to reveal the baby everyone was surprised. That night mom said stormi was sleeping with me tonight. Aunt Kim was there in the morning to help mom. We ate breakfast in since it would risk the paparazzi knowing there were helicopters trying to see what's happening. True was here today along with glama Kris. Mom was sick all day so Aunt Kendall watched Us. Stormi and Aire and I was sleep at aunt Kendall,s. And in the morning we went to moms house and we went through the back door then we just stayed at home. Mom was nine months pregnant by the the time the press knew. It was time for the baby to be born!
The next few chapters will be about My moms new life and my new life with a lot more drama!😘