2: Late

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The next day came just as fast as he closed his eyes. A loud blaring noise echoed through his room, waking him from his sinful dreams. His bandaged hand surfaced to mute his booming alarm.

  He grumbled and sat up a bit, rubbing the sleep from his tight eyes. The crust scraped the side of his orbs as he rubbed, profanities leaving his mouth with a wince. He stood up, stretching his locked muscles, blindly tapping his foot around for his slides. He then felt a swarm of warm pain in his lower region. He begged to find it, but sighed when he finally opened his eyes and looked down.

  Morning wood huh...

  He padded his way to his bathroom, doing his needed necessities for the day. As he stood under the showerhead, he started to think. He started to think about the day and what it will withhold for him in this 24 hour span.

  I get to see him again.

  He immediately became excited, just thinking about the boy gave him a boner again. And just when I got rid of it. He groaned, "It's only because of you." He slowly dragged his slender fingertips down his stomach, goosebumps forming along. "Because of you, I can't help but to feel hot all over...", a moan slipped from his lips as his mind went numb.

"You and your fucking pretty face..."

His fingers grazed his happy trail, getting closer to their aching destination. He grabbed at himself tightly, squeezing his shaft with a loud moan. "Your pretty lips...glossed over with my blood...fuck", he couldn't control himself. He knew he was going to be late to school.


  On the other side of town, 'pretty boy' was not holding up so well. He couldn't sleep at all last night, just thinking about that 'weirdo'. His mind kept replaying that damn scene over and over again. He was sleep deprived. He threw up so many times that night that he couldn't walk nor eat anymore. His body shut down and the pain started to get worse as he breathed. He still felt that maniac's blood on his face.

  He tried washing and washing and washing, but he constantly felt dirty and disgusting. His hands shook as he looked in the mirror, darkened bags under his eyes. He looked so fatigued and malnourished in the face, he definitely didn't want to go to school today. Well, not ever after what happened...

"W-Who the fuck stabs his own goddamn hand in school...a-and not e-even fuckin' flinch?! Not fuckin once!", 'pretty boy' felt like he was going to go insane in the head. He felt so damn sick, he wanted to drown out all of his pain from his body. He wanted to cry so loud, just let out his sorrows and let out his pent up anger.

"Taehyung! I made breakfast!"

His mothers words made him want to throw up again, he couldn't imagine eating anything else in his lifetime. He closed his eyes and clutched the wet sink. He looked back up at his face for another second and looked away. Turning off the lights, he slowly moved his legs to his bed, reaching for his phone. He sighed, "It's almost late..."

He trudged downstairs, taking his sweet time, not wanting to miss a single step with these shaky legs of his.

  "Oh Taehyung...baby you look horrible...", his mother sped walked towards him, reaching her petite hands out to touch his pale face. "Come on, let's go eat, you'll feel better", she helped him down the last few steps, watching him as he limped. "I made seaweed soup for your upset tummy and some chicken bites so you won't have to chew for long."

  'Pretty boy', well, Taehyung couldn't have asked for a better mother. He didn't know what he would've did if she wasn't around, especially after his dad left. She cared so much for him that it made him cry. He didn't notice his tears until he heard a soft voice he loved so much, "No, don't cry baby. Mommy has you, don't cry, you're going to make me cry." She quickly wiped away his tear tracks and sat him down in his seat, pushing his chair towards the table.

  She paced over to the kitchen counter, grabbing her sons food. She placed a bowl of rice in front of him, going back for his chicken bites. Lastly she put the seaweed soup in the middle of his dishes. She smiled a sad smile, hoping that he'll consume some nutrients. She walked back to her seat with a deep breath and sat down.

  "Now", she started, "Is that boy detained?" Taehyung was confused as he picked at his food with his chopsticks. "What do you mean?", he asked, smushing a chicken bite flat. "Y'know, the boy who...", she paused and looked at him, hoping he would understand. He stopped his movements and turned away. His eyes widened and he trembled, he laid down his utensils and dropped his head down.

"Mom, p-please, I don't want to think about it", flashbacks of that 'weirdo's' blood hitting his face. He could remember the taste...

  "I feel like throwing up again...", he mumbled to himself, biting his lip as hard as he could.

Her face saddened, "I'm sorry for bringing it up honey bear." She felt guilty about asking and cleared her throat. She raised her food-filled chopsticks towards her mouth to take a bite, her eyes traveled to her son who evidently hadn't taken action to even begin eating. She sighed, "There's medicine in your lunchbox that I packed for you, make sure to eat something before taking it. I want my baby to feel better, okay?" She hoped he would listen to her, she knew he wasn't feel well.

"Hurry up and get ready, at least take an apple or something baby, you're going to be late for school."

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