Chapter one

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Y/n: your name

F/c/e/c: Fav color/ Eye color.

??? Pov.

I hid in the clouds watching the dragons attack the Two legs nest I let out a small hiss and I bent down getting closer to the village charging up a blast then I blasted a F/c ball of almost like lava but blue and blue fire on it to the minute it hit one of the tall tower like nests it exploded then I heard a whistling sound and looked up to see a certain black nightfury.

???: " Toothless!"

I roared flying over to him brushing my wing against the black dragons wing.
He ignored me for a second and blasted another tower before looking at me.

Toothless: " Hey Y/n."

He greeted me but then I saw something at him.

Y/n: " Look out!"

I smashed into him as the net hit both of us falling to the ground I wrap my large wings around the night fury hearing his heart pound then we both roared in pain and blacked out.

Hiccups pov.

'I did it... I got a nightfury!' I fist bumped the air then I realized something. Did I see a flash of white when I shot it or... was it just the light.

Time skip to the woods

I was walking threw the woods when I saw it. Trees but smashed down. I walked forward the trees bent in different ways attached barley by threads and a large dirt trail in the middle of it pine needles scattered a bit.

I walked down it my breath caught in my throat and then I saw it a black dragon. I gasped and hid myself behind a rock. Then I slowly poked my head back out. Seeing the black dragon unconscious I walked forward slowly. As a walked closer I looked over its wing and I almost screamed when I saw emerald green eyes with black slits in them.

I slowly took out my small knife and held it over him.
( A/n: I forgot what he said so where going to toothless pov)

Toothless pov.

I stared at the two leg as he started yelling something there was a pain in my tail I don't know where Y/n was he got shot down with me. But I looked behind the two leg to see Y/n hiding in a tree his F/c eyes in slits and as I looked closer I saw his wing was torn and his tail was cut and red blood splattered his usually Snow White scales. As the two leg was about to stab me however I dropped my head and closed my eyes knowing Y/n would save himself.


Then I heard cutting sounds. I looked at the two leg to see he was cutting the ropes when I was free I leaped at him pinning him to the ground and roaring in his face then turning and running away.

Y/ns pov

I watched this scene from the tree when I tore my wing and tail. somehow I slipped out of the rope I was going to save Toothless but this Two leg beat me two it. Then to my surprise the two leg walked forward before fainting. Feeling a tad bit sad about this I slipped out of my tree. I can't believe I'm doing this. I opened my mouth and....






Grabbed the two legs weird fur and hulled him onto my back.
He was the same weight as a sheep so it was easy to carry him to the edge of the woods I set him down and ✨ Wattled✨ back into the woods I lowered my belly close to the ground and walked till I found Toothless trying to get out of some kinda cove.

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