ᶠᵘᵗᵇᵒˡ ᵖᵗ 2

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Cynthia is outside my house waiting for me, in her white Range Rover she got for her 16th birthday.

I need a car bad☹️

i open the door and before I knew it she started speaking to me

"are you ready to go cheer on MY MAN?!?!"

She starts the car while talking about how much she loves him and cherishes him, saying she can "change" him.

Once we get there the football parking lot is packed, this is the greatest most popular football team in Texas The devils.

The name is definitely on point, every single one of those boys are womanizing assholes, some are very racist, all are rich🧍🏾.

Me and Cynthia get out the car, I really take a moment to look at her outfit.

She's wearing the shortest skirt and the smallest tank top known to man, she wants his attention so bad it's sad.

I don't understand,I won't lie he's very handsome but he's so rude and ignorant.

Cynthia is middle eastern and the amount of bomb jokes he makes around her is questionable.

We get inside the arena and show our tickets to the security guards, we get front row seats since Cynthia is "dating" one of the football players.

The dude I've been talking about, Ray, full name Raymond Belmont,somehow I know everyone's names.

He's the son of the most powerful  alpha in the world,he's such garbage human being though,he's also a werewolf, so that's even worse.

The only things werewolf's know how to do is fight and breed,they have no care of anyone else.

We buy nachos at the food stand and sat in our seats. The game starts in about 10 minutes.

Every rich asshole is getting there seats,I don't hate rich people these ones just suck ass.

Before I know it the loud buzzer rings and the two teams come out

The Devils
Tall muscular gorgeous men, they're all eye catching but one in particular catches my eye.

Him, satan himself.

His  wavy hair,his pitch black eyes, THAT NOSE.

He didn't necessarily have a glow up, everyone knew he was gonna age like wine, but he's so HAHSHDJDND

he's a horrible man but I want him to be MY horrible man.

No, I don't.

I hate him with all my body, if I speak to him again I'll die inside and out, i want to see him rot in hell honestly.

I look deep in his eyes, so caught in them, he turns his head.analyzes the stadium a bit and starts smiling, or rather grinding that evil grin he did every time I saw him in school.

It sent shivers down my spine, was he smiling at me? He couldn't possibly remember me from years ago.

I'm so delusional, he probably doesn't even know my name anymore,or maybe he never did.

He goes over to his friend, the friend I used to have the fattest crush on, he says something to him and points to the bleachers his friend looks over and sees me.


I sure his name was Devon, or something like that.

His friend starts laughing mad hard🥲, I have done nothing wrong but breathe:

They all get in there little huddle and while the ref if yelling something at them he won't stop looking at me.

As soon as the alarm goes off a bunch of boys are basically manhandling one another,pushing and running and shoving.

This seems more like a right to the death than football but what to I know.

I think Leon is the quarter back since he's running for the goal faster than my eyes can keep up.
Before you know it a bunch of dudes are behind him and all the so called tacklers are pounding onto them so hard my spine tingled.

Leon somehow outruns all those boys and scores a touchdown

After that he scored another,and another, and another.

After an hour Bonnie finally scored his last touchdown, the crowd got up and cheered so loud I thought the sound barrier was gonna break.

I hate football but for some reason I loved seeing him play it, even if it is a aggressive simple minded sport.

At least in my mind, but I know it means a lot to millions of people so I won't say to much.

The Boys go back into the locker rooms drenching themselves with their water bottles

To be honest, I didn't totally hate this.

Word count: 760

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