Snow 'Tzuyu' White, Queen 'Nayeon', and The Poisonous Apple Juice - Part 1

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(a/n: This story was written in 2017)

Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs

Haeju (Main POV) as THE HUNTSMAN 
The rest of the members as THE 7 DWARVES

I'm bored today so I visit Nayeon's room. She is alone there, playing with her phone.
"Naayeooon~ May I come in?" I ask after I knock knock the door.
"Haeju! Sure. Sit here!" She tells me to sit right beside her.
"What are you doing?"
"Nothing, just checking out the group chats." Nayeon is really an internet addict. She is busy with her phone all the time. All she does is wandering around to her all social media. And now she looks really enjoying it. Suddenly Nayeon hums,"Mirror mirror, on the wall~ Who's the fairest among all~"
"Huh, mirror what?"
"I'm talking to the Instagram. Hahaha..... I just posted something a few days ago. Usually, I get the most likeys, you know?"
"Hoo I see.... You're that popular, huh?"
"I am! Hahaha!" she laughs confidently. But after a while, she looks shocked by what she sees. "Impossible! Tzuyu just posted a picture a few minutes ago and she already gets more likeys???"
"Whoaa... I can't believe it! That prankster is more popular than me. Huft.... She is so loved by everyone just because she is the maknae. If only people know how mischievous she is. If only I'm younger, I'm sure I can be a better maknae......" She whines. To be honest, I don't know what to say. I'm usually on Tzuyu's side. Suddenly, Nayeon grabs my shoulder. "Haeju, I've got an idea!"
"What is it, Nayeon?"
"How about we delete her photo?"
"A... Are you sure?
"She pranked me a few days ago, Ju, I need to get my revenge! Unfortunately, I can't login to Twicetagram from here. I always do it from the manager's phone. So, can you borrow that phone, log in, and delete it?"
"Umm... Why me?"
"Because Oppa always gets suspicious on me! He watches me all the time hhh.... I'm sure he won't be like that to you. Agree?"
"I don't know, Nayeon......"
"C'mon, I'll buy you a meal! Or... I'll kiss you," she winks at me.
"Uhh... Not a kiss please, thanks. I don't like being kissed," I tell her,"Umm..... By anyone, not just you."
"Huuhhhh...." Nayeon takes my hand and looks into my eyes. That makes me look at her beautiful face seriously. "You are my best friend, Haeju. I like you. I know I'm not a good friend, but can you help me this time pleaaase? Just once! I will not ask you anything like this again," She comes closer to me,"Do it for your friend, okay?"
Ah, I can't do anything if she goes that far. How can I be so mean to refuse a friend's request? "Fine, I will do it....."
"Yes! Thanks, Haejuuuu~ Here, let me kiss you," she exclaims as she is approaching me.
"Nayeon stooooooop! Don't kiss me! Kyaaaaaa...!!!"

Now I'm looking for our manager who has the phone so I can login to Twicetagram. Suddenly I hear a beautiful hums from afar. It's Tzuyu! She is outside the dorm's door, playing with a dog! I never see it before, so I wonder where it comes from......

"Hi, Tzuyu~" I say as walk to her.
"Oh, Unnie, look! He is cute, right?"
"He? Is it a male dog? O, annyeonghaseyo...." Apparently, there is someone who stands right next to Tzuyu. I greet him. We shake hands.
"You are Ahn Haeju, the new member, right? I live next door. And that guy over there is my assistant," that guy introduces himself.
"Are these all animals yours?" I'm surprised with so many animals and cages around me right now. Not just dogs, there are bunnies, and even a big lizard (?)!
"Yes. I bring them here because Tzuyu likes to play with them. Your dorm has a big yard and they let me release my pets here 1-2 times a week."
"I see...."
"Unnie, this cat likes you!" Tzuyu calls me very cheerfully. "O, please hold her," Suddenly she gives it to me before she runs to catch a snake. Tzuyu becomes so childish in front of the animals. She looks so happy playing with them. She treats them all as friends, probably more friendly than how she treats her Unnies. I guess she really likes animals. "Unnie, I have a dream," she says after she catches the snake that now is hanging on her neck.
I step back a little. "What is it, dear?"
"One day if I'm older, I wanna live in a castle full of animal! Or maybe I can own a zoo. I want to play and sing with them all day!" She exclaims joyfully. Tzuyu looks so innocent. Reminds me of that one of the princesses from Disney who is loved by all the animals in the forest. I feel so much guilt that I was going to delete her photo on Twicetagram.
"Tzuyu, I'm sorry....."
"Nope, nevermind." I smile as I decided not to hurt her feeling and cancel what I'm going to do. "Have fun with your friends, princess!" She is a little bit confused, but, probably, not really care about it. She smiles back cutely to me. Ohh... How can I hurt this little girl's feeling?!

I realize Nayeon is watching me secretly inside the dorm. She looks angry. I come to her.....

"You can't force yourself to do that, can you?" Nayeon asks me as soon as I stand right next to her.
"I should've predicted that," Nayeon says, "Nevermind. I have a better plan. It will be something that won't involve the public. Only me, you, and Tzuyu. Oohhh... This one will be great!" She tells me excitingly.
"What is it, Nayeon?" I ask her carefully.
"We will poison her!!!"

(to be continued)

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