Chapter 1 -CopyCat: The Statue

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Marinette and Alya rushed out of the bakery ready to race to the school when they heard hoots of joy from the rooftops. It was Cat Noir, leaping from roof to roof before landing on the newly formed statue in the park that had yet to be revealed.

"They're unveiling Ladybug and Cat Noir sculptures today." Alya said, excitement bursting from her. "I totally spaced!" Alya smacked her head.

Unbeknownst to the blogger, Marinette was doing the same thing to her own head in repetition. "Me, too," she whispered to herself, but not quite enough.

Alya turned to her best friend in surprise. "You never mentioned going to the unveiling before."

"I'm not!" Marinette stammered. "I mean I am... I mean, I forgot?" Marinette peeked at Alya, hoping she didn't notice her strange behavior.

Alya blinked, but shrugged off the weirdness of her best friend. "Listen, about Adrien's cell phone... What if we go right after?"

"If we wait after the ceremony, Adrien's fencing training will be over and he'll have his phone back by then."

"Shoot. I gotta cover this event for the Ladyblog." Alya looked at Marinette with guilt and grabbed her shoulders. "I'm sorry, Marinette."

The designer gave a soft smile to her friend. "Don't sweat it. I can manage... I think."

"You sure?"

"Yes, yes, I'm sure."

"Cool!" The blogger breathed as she ran off towards the park. "Good luck! Stay out of trouble. And don't improv'!"

Marinette turned her way back to the school before stopping at the crosswalk because of on-coming traffic and a red light. "Isn't Ladybug supposed to be at the unveiling?" Tikki asked, coming out of hiding behind Marinette's pigtail.

"Yes, but Marinette needs to be at the school first."

"But it's a ceremony in your honor."

"And it's my honor that's at stake here."

"Marinette," Tikki chastised. "If you believe Adrien is going to embarrass you or forgo your friendship with him, why do you like him so much?"

"Because..." Marinette said, then stopped thinking about it harder. "I like him because I know he wouldn't do that."

"Exactly! So you shouldn't worry so much. I'm sure he will understand that it was an accident and that he will listen to what you have to say about it," Tikki said. "Right now, you have the duty of Ladybug to deal with at the unveiling."

Marinette sighed before putting on a brave face. "You're right, Tikki. Adrien will understand and he won't embarrass me. Come on, it's time to go visit those statues. Tikki, Spots on!"

The mayor was getting anxious waiting for the other half of the superhero duo. "Ladybug should already be here."

"Don't worry," Cat Noir said. "I'm sure she's on her way." The thrilling sound of a zip entered Cat Noir's ears. "In fact, here she comes meow."

Ladybug landed with grace next to Theo Barbo, the artist. "Sorry for the late arrival."

"Welcome, Ladybug," Mayor Bourgeois said. "Let us get on with the ceremony."

Twenty minutes and a disappearing group of people later, Ladybug and Cat Noir were shaking hands with the Mayor. "It was wonderful to see you both here today for such a momentous occasion. I hope we can do this again soon," he said as he walked off.

"I hope not too soon," Ladybug whispered to her partner. "I wouldn't want to have my plate full with more than I already have."

Cat Noir leaned his elbow on her shoulder. "I totally get you, LB." He leaned in close to her face. "But a little partying doesn't hurt anyone," he wiggled his eyebrow causing Ladybug to giggle. She pushed him away by the nose and turned around to find Theo still standing there, pen in hand with a piece of newspaper in the other.

"Oh, Theo, you've got some real artistry here. You really captured my essence."

Theo blushed. "O-oh, thank you, Ladybug. If you wouldn't mind, I'd like you to sign this for me?"

"Sure thing!"

After receiving the picture back, Theo noticed Ladybug and Cat Noir walking away together. "Wait, Ladybug, would you please consider going to dinner with me?"

Ladybug and Cat Noir stopped mid step. Ladybug seemed at a loss of what to do. She didn't want to hurt his feelings, but at the same time didn't know what to do. Theo was not only someone she didn't want to date, but he was also 28 years old asking out a 14 year old without knowing.

I'm half his age!! She thought.

Cat Noir looked at Theo with jealousy before looking at Ladybug. He noticed she had gone white like a snowy day in Paris. She was frightened, he noticed. "What do you want to do?" he asked her.

Ladybug looked up at him with gratitude. "I don't want to hurt him. I don't know what to do."

Cat Noir thought for a bit before looking back. "Tell him you're dating me, but to keep it under wraps. Then he won't bug you. Pun unintended. I'll meet you on the roof if you need someone to talk to afterwards."

Ladybug smiled brightly at him. "Thank you, Cat Noir."

With Cat Noir leaping away, and Theo waiting patiently for the answer from Ladybug, Marinette took a deep breath and turned to look at Theo, keeping her voice low so that any surrounding press wouldn't be able to hear. "Listen, Theo, you are a wonderful person, and artist, but I'm already with someone very special to me. I hope this doesn't change your opinion of me or Cat Noir."

And with that, she turned away, chasing after her partner in black, but what she didn't see was the young man walking away with his teeth gritted and hands in fists.

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