23. "Christmas Day" (M)

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Yoohyeon woke up, instantly smiling and sitting up on the mattress. She kicked the blanket away and jumped down from her bunk bed, waking up the man who was sleeping below her in a hurry.

"Minjoon wake up! It's Christmas Day!" She happily exclaimed, making the Icebreaker tilt his head slightly, but then his smile took over. "Oh my god, it's Christmas!" He sat up, getting excited thanks to Yoohyeon's aura.

"Do you want me to give you your present?" Yoohyeon asked, surprising her roommate. "You got me a gift!? When did you manage to do that?" He questioned, getting a grin in return. "I have my ways~ So, do you want it now or later?" She impatiently asked, chuckling when Minjoon motioned with his hands that he wanted his gift now like a little kid.

Yoohyeon then ran to the living room, coming back with a medium sixed box. Minjoon widened his eyes, clapping happily and taking his gift in his hands. But then he pouted, making the younger tilt her head in confusion. "What's wrong?"

"I couldn't make you a gift.. I'm sorry Yooh.." He apologetically looked at the gift in his hands, getting his hair ruffled in return.

He had made a gift for Yoohyeon, but wanted to give it to her all together with the others. Even though he had the present done, he still felt bad for lying for a good cause.

"Don't be sorry~ If you like my present, that's enough of a gift for me." The girl assured Minjoon, making him loosen up and smile a little. "I'm sure I'll like it." Minjoon added before opening the package.

He opened his mouth in shock, laughing with joy at the gift before his eyes. It was an USB keyboard that Yoohyeon had managed to find while scouting some time ago and it was still surprisingly working.

"Holy shit, you're incredible!" He gasped in amazement, carefully putting the gift away and standing up to hug the younger. "That's the best gift I've received so far!" He hugged Yoohyeon tighter, making her giggle and smile. "I'm glad you liked it-


"Are you guys awak- What the fuck?"

Bora and Minji entered the room without a notice, glaring at the two hugging eachother. They both pulled out the hug, seeing the visible shock in the two women's eyes.

"H-Hold on, it's not anything like that!" Minjoon shook his hands, pointing at Yoohyeon. The girl widened her eyes, scoffing in disbelief. "The hell are you pointing at me for!?" She pointed back at him, noticing the glare her two best friends were giving her. Yoohyeon switched her gaze to Minji, gulping at the way how annoyed she looked.

"I was going to say you gave me a present and that's why I hugged you, you dumbass!" Minjoon added, noticing Yoohyeon's sigh of relief. "Right! I gave him a Christmas present, look!" Yoohyeon rushed to the bed, showing the keyboard with a smile.

Minji and Bora then hummed, switching to a more softer gaze and smiling at the gift. Bora slightly scratched her neck in awkwardness, it getting noticed by the others.

"I kind of didn't prepare any presents for you guys.. I'm sorry for that.." Bora sadly revealed, getting nudged on the side by Minji. "It's fine~ You being here is enough of a present for us." The Icebreaker smiled, noticing the grin forming on Bora's face. "I swear I'll give you guys amazing gifts next Christmas!"

"We'll be looking forward to it!" Minji chuckled, noticing Minjoon walking somewhere and bringing three small boxes with him. "Speaking of amazing gifts, I'm sure you guys will love mine!" Minjoon handed all boxes, impatiently waiting for their reactions.

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