4 「F R E Q U E N C Y」 1

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third point of view

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐓'𝐒 𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐃, Sam's mental processing almost shut down, he'd never felt an alpha's command before, but if he had he felt it would feel like this.

It was this underlining need to do anything Catherine wanted to put a smile on her face, he just wanted to tell her anything she wanted to hear.

He couldn't let her be sad.

"If you were younger, a child it would adapt as you grow older," He started to explain as best he could before he paused realizing just explaining it was hard. "but the bond is more geared to something deeper than that it's-"

In the beginning, he had been so deeply affected by the imprint bond, especially after being told he couldn't continue to see Leah and knowing that he could have hunted her.

"It's more in tuned with the connection between people," He continued in the best way he knew how pausing as he gauged the reaction of everyone around him. "all I have is analogies, but it's like no two people run on the same level, the same frequency."

Sam paused once again to look around the room making sure everyone was following his explanation, which they were as everyone partially nodded, mumbled, or did something to show their acknowledgment.

"But sometimes people's frequency is similar, so similar that they mesh and can become one, as in..." He trailed off waiting on everyone to come to his unspoken conclusion, which someone quickly did.

"Fall in Love." Catherine clarified verbally just wanting to make sure she was current, earning her a nod of the head from Sam.

"But the bond is meant to enhance that mesh, broadens the frequency, but now it's-" Sam explained before he was cut off by Jared who had grasped a hold of his explanation, quickly realizing what his Alpha was trying to say.

"Connected multiple frequencies," Jared finished off his Alpha's words softly, it all did make sense in the end. "I mean we are all shifters, different species though."

"Where I came from most shifters mate strictly with other shifters, sometimes multiple like us," Catherine spoke up after a few seconds of silence, although imprinting wasn't normal multiple lovers were in her world. "plus you guys are a pack, and packs are meant to be closer than normal."

At Catherine's words everyone kind of sat back to let everything sink in, this silence not being awkward as everyone just stilled for a few seconds.

"Okay, just so I'm not lost in translation," Paul spoke up as he fully tried to comprehend everything that was being told to him, everything shocking him slowly. "being a pack put us on the same one but being shifters and similar people connected your frequency with ours?"

"Basically." Sam nodded his head as Paul just about summed up everything he'd previously said, although his agreeance once again sent Paul into silence.

The man's face remained with his eyebrows high, before they quickly dropped as his face went blank and he stood from his seat.

"I'm gonna need some alcohol." He told the rest of them as he began to head into the kitchen, everything was just happening so quickly he was going to need liquor to keep himself calm.

"You can't get drunk." Jared on the other hand quickly called out as he watched Paul walk towards the kitchen, with them being shifters they didn't get a drink as easily.

"I can if I drink enough to kill a small man." Paul announced as he walked into the kitchen, it was true that if they drank enough they could get drunk for a few hours.

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