Hetalia x ch crossover (daughter of UK from ch )digital art part 3

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Here comes another oc

Here comes another oc

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This is another oc of mine her name is Alice Kirkland 

She is a Reincarnated, her past name is 

Chloe Kate A. Isidro  and a Filipina and really love countryhumans and hetalia she is the sister of mayari/yuzuki (digital art part 2) and also a major character on my overall au series, she is again op but she is not to powerful and not to weak, she is also reincarnated as the daughter of UK and the personification of England (sorry Arthur) , i am making a series but I didn't update it yet I'm organizing it and is not done yet so sorry if your confused it's just so if someone is gonna read it they won't be confused😔,  so to stop a few confusion I will show you guys my au 

(not the main one just my countryhumans au which Is under my main au series) 

Here's my countryhumans au

In this ch world there's a myth that says a country/city/province/ state  can have a form just like the humans yes they look like a human yet they are Immortal like the country's and stop aging at the age of 18 that kind of countryhumans that have the image/ form of humans are called hetalian, but  to the countryhumans its just a myth because sadly none have ever created a hetalian before that is when Alice(England) was born. The reason why the English family *mainly UK* was overprotective of her and only a few known(the triple entente) her in the past. Also in this world there are three types of love there are:

• Political love 

• Political love is a type of love where the two countryhumans are in love yet there are a thing that it only happened because of  Political purposes it commonly happened in allied countryhumans my example for this love is the German empire and Austria-Hungary, along with the Brazilian empire and grand Colombia .

• Betrayal love

• The Betrayal love is like a branch of the Political love but the one of the countryhumans betrayed the other wich cause the alliance to break and both go to the opposite direction and possibly go to war yet they still love each other but can't say it so they would live In Sarrow and the best example of countryhumans for this type of love is third Reich /German Reich  and ussr/soviet onio- *ehem sorry * soviet union 

• True love(*basically soulmate*)

•  The true love like  a branch of both Political love and betrayal love but at the sometime not its because a jumbled story some starts at a Political love then turn into betrayal love the difference is that the two again but made out the best example for this is France and UK and sometimes it's like a friend to lovers or both fall in love but didn't say it yet or many more 

,the difference between the birth of a countryhumans and hetalians are the countryhumans are born when the country is stablish or found or as long as they had civilization like more than three indigenous village that countryhuman will be born and  as for a hetalian they are born through soul transfer or if two countryhumans are at the stage of true love, why did I said Soul transfer in the first one you will know later on, and to Alice case she is born by both soul transfer and true love 

And in this ch world every country's have a abilities based on their personality or their culture and landscape but a country can only have one ability well if you add the ability that every countrys have which is the ability to summon any weapons as long as you know how to use it

*ps, I edited this cause I just realized that my drawing didn't have a nose and there's a few changesin the story*

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