1. The business they call show

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April 14th, 2024

Wow, I haven't written in forever! Dr. Kendall is going to be happy about it. I was supposed to write everyday –therapist's orders– but I quit after a while.
It's just that I didn't have anything to write about, really. They have been some pretty boring and uneventful months, during which I've attempted to paint something, but I've been terribly uninspired. I have tried to go back to my art for a while now, without much luck.

They've also been sad months.
I wrote about my feelings for a while at first, and it was the same thing over and over, the same pain, the same sadness... the grief wouldn't leave me alone anyway, whether I wrote about it or not, so what was the point.
I didn't want those feelings to stay with me, on the pages. I wanted them to go away, to disperse in the ether.

But today I received an interesting call. It definitely took me out of the spleen of the past months.
After the call, I went for a walk to the store  down the hill to buy cigarettes and something edible, and I saw these notebooks by the registers. One had my name –and a depiction of my name– on it, so I bought it.
Maybe now that something is moving I'll go back to journaling. Writing of good, exciting things.
Anyway, I degress.

Where was I?
Yes, the call.
Michelle, my agent, called me this afternoon, she sounded excited right away.

"Ocean, I found him...!"

"Found who?"

"The one who's going to make the music for 'Sense '!"

Sense is an exhibition that we've been planning for months.
I have already selected the paintings that I want to exhibit and we have the location and the sponsors, but I keep pushing it back. I don't know why. Maybe because some of those paintings are painful. Some of them are pain. Raw feelings, threw on the canvass.
I want to get them out there, I think they're some of my best works. But a little part of me, that piece of heart that was mangled beyond recognition, is reluctant to share.

What I want to do with this exhibition is to associate music and lyrics to the visuals on the canvasses, to create a multi-sense experience –hence the title. I wanted to do something different this time, adding a little edge.
However, I can never find anything that fits music-wise. I've been listening to various artists and genres, I've been given many suggestions, but nothing felt right. This made Michelle crazy.
That's why she went on a quest to find someone who would be willing to taylor  music and words onto the paintings, instead.

"OK, so who's this person?" I asked, curious.

"Sit down, girl, cause this is big!"

"I'm sitting."

"I got you none other than...Alex Turner!"

I paused for half a second, trying to recognize the name. "...who?"

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