Chp.✌️☝️ .

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Gia Pov-
"Gia, Gia!" an familiar voice screamed while shaking me roughly. My eyes fluttered open while trying to adjust to the bright ass light. "What happened? Why am I here?" I asked while holding my hand -which had 3 scars on my hand that were turning purple- over my face. "Gia, you were in an car accident." Nia said, while wiping some fresh tear. "How long was I out?" I asked. "5 hours." she answered. "Oh, when am I gonna be able to leave, cause im to cute to be stuck in this bitch?" I asked in all seriousness. As soon as I asked that, an light skin man, That looked exactly like the man that had raped me 2 months earlier."U-uh , w-why are you h-here?" I asked as I sat up in my hospital bed. "Gia, Gia, Gia, -" he said as he laughed evilly. "You are so beautiful - did you take care if that thing yet?" He asked while smirking. He's talking about the baby- that I still have in my stomach. Im 2 months pregnant and he's the father. He raped me when I had went to my cousins house for the summer in NewYork, so I don't know how he found me. I live in Atlanta. "Y-yea , I took care of it." I said barely above a whisper. "Now if I find out your lying I'm gonna take care of it myself." He said in an serious tone. "O-okay." I stuttered. "Now, you can leave in 2 weeks." He stated while looking at his clipboard. He looked at me one last time and left. "Gia, explain." Nia said staring me down. I couldn't help as the tears started flowing. I told her all the things that had happened, that summer. "G oh my god." She said before hugging me. "I know, who did i wreak with?" I asked suddenly concerned. "U-uh, yougotinawreakwithfettyandhemightnotmakeit." She said super fast. The fuck did she just say? "What?" I said Getting annoyed. "Fetty ,and he might not make it." As soon as she said that my heart sank.
Fetty Pov. 🔥|
I blinked continuisly, trying to adjust my eyes to the blinding white lights dangling above me. "W-what happened?" I asked, while trying to sit up, but failing miserably. "You were Inna car wreck with this girl named Gia, or Gina." Said my older brother ,Keem, while rubbing his hands down his face harshly. "Gia?!?" I practically screamed while trying to sit up. "We're is she? Is she okay? Why-" I started too say, only to be cut off by Keem. "Nigga, chill. She good bruh." he said while eating some Takis I didn't even know he had. I started to calm down and sat back in my bed. "Nigga, when I get released?" I asked suddenly having the urge to see Gia fine ass. "In 2 weeks." He said. Lord 2 weeks hell nah nigga. Stuck in here with this thot of a nurse. Licking her lips at me and shit.
2 Weeks Later💨|
Gia Pov | 💜
Finally im out this hell hole! Okay, so its Monday, and I gotta go to school. Yay! -note sarcasm- "Gia, honey get up, and get ready for school." My mom said. Which suprised me. "O-ok." I said. She walked out my room and shut the door behind her. I went to the bathroom too take a shower. Blasting tattoo by Jason Derulo. "Im runnin outta roooooom for your tattoos!" I sung loudly. I stayed in the shower for 15 more minutes. Once I got out i wrapped the fluffy blue colored towel around my body and brushed my teeth while dancing to Solo by Jason Derulo also. I walked out the bathroom and put on lotion, perfume,and deodorant on. I walked to my closet and put on a white collarless polo shirt, some distressed jeans -that I had rolled up to look like kapri- , and my black and white comcords. I grabbed my flat irons, and let them heat up. Once they heated up I flat ironed my hair, and unhooked the flat irons. Once I walked out my closet from putting my straighteners up, I grabbed my iphone 6 plus off the charger and walked downstairs. I had already put my Michael Kors booksack , downstairs. I grabbed it and noticed my daddy wasn't down there drinking is coffee like he usually does. Then I looked toward my mom who had her head in her hands and a bottle of gin beside her. "M-Ma?" I asked while rubbing my hands gently through her hair because, I knew that calmed her down. "Where's daddy?" I asked. "H-he's gone, that bastard. He left me because of your dumb ass!" She said yelling at me, trying to get up but failed miserably. "H-huh?" I asked feeling my heart sink. She just walked out the door slamming it. I was about to walk out the door, until I noticed a piece of paper on the floor. Me being me I looked at it and it read: Gia, by the time you wake up I'll be gone to New York, I'm sorry but ya mama was working my nerves and I had to go but, I'll be putting 1,000 dollars on your card every week on Friday, and I have a black card for you in your car. It has 2 million dollars on it. For college, a house of your own an whatever else you want, my new number is at the bottom of this piece of paper call me when you get out of school okay princess? don't forget I love you and I'm gonna come back for you in 3 years. I finished reading it and was instantly happy, because I can get my own apartment. Im still mad he left but he is gonna come back for princess G. "What an eventful day." I said while walking outside to my car, and hopping in putting my phone on the aux cord an blasting Faneto By Chief Keef. "Ima gorilla Inna fucking coupe finna pull up to the zoo, nigga oh nigga who Tf is you? Ion know nigga, pull up to ya block im bout to blow nigga." I rapped along, as I pulled up to Nia house, seeing none other than Fetty's car in the drive way. The hell? I hopped out the car, speed walking to her door. I knocked 3 times before making a beat on the door, then I started rapping along with my beat. "Open the do' hoe, open the do'" I rapped. She swung the door open looking mad. "Damn bish Tf wrong Witcha?" I asked. She explained how she didn't get any sleep because her brother and daddy was fighting all night. "Damn, bestie well let's get you done up." I said with excitement. I picked her outfit out which consisted of - a black collarless polo shirt , some distressed skinny jeans rolled up at the ankle into kapris, just like mine, and her black and white concords.-We twinning today! Yass. I left out of her room so she could handle her buisnyee *scrappy voice*. I started to walk into her kitchen, because I didn't eat at 'home', but ended up flying backwards, from hitting somebody. I looked up and it was Fetty. 😻😩 . "I was worried about you, Ma." He said while licking his lips. Which might I add made my heart flutter. "U-uh , um." I struggled to find words too say so I just looked at my fingers. He grabbed me by my arm and helped me stand up. "Dud you miss me, babygirl?" He said in my ear while holding my waists firmly. i nodded, not being able to make any words come out. He just chuckled, and let me out of his grip. I whimpered, but I didn't know why. "What's wrong, beautiful?" He asked. I ended bursting into tears as I told him everything from me being raped and pregnant to my dad leaving me. He just held me, i never wanted him to let go.
✌️, ima edit this Inna mornin my stomach hurtsss .

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