ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔴𝔬 ~ ℌ𝔞𝔯𝔪𝔬𝔫𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝔬𝔣 𝔲𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔯𝔱𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔶

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Okay okay here you go, just lemme publish this real quick 😀

I was enveloped in the soft embrace of sleep when my slumber was rudely interrupted by the pounding of a stranger at my door. Disoriented and groggy, I sat up in bed, my sheets slipping off my chest, revealing the cool air of the room. Blinking in confusion, I squinted at the clock on my bedside table, its digits displaying the unexpected hour of 5:30 pm. My brows furrowed as I puzzled over why I had dozed off during the late afternoon. After all, it was nowhere near nightfall. Could it be that the summoning ritual had left me more drained than I realized?

Startled from my thoughts by the persistent banging, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and shuffled to the door, my steps guided by a sense of unease. The door creaked open to reveal an imposing figure, tall and somewhat striking in appearance. His voice, tinged with an accent that I couldn't quite place, broke the silence.

"Are you coming, Ghoulette?" His words were polite, his tone soft. A hesitant nod was my only response, a mixture of curiosity and wariness swirling within me.

With a congenial smile, he introduced himself, "I'm Swiss. Will you be joining us for dinner?" As his eyes met mine, I detected a glimmer of warmth that hinted at a hidden kindness. Easing the tension that had gripped me, I found myself nodding once again.

"Yes, of course," I replied, mirroring his smile. Surprisingly, I felt a sense of comfort in this unfamiliar setting, as though I had unknowingly found a place where I belonged.

Navigating the labyrinthine hallways of the opulent manor, my heart raced with anticipation and anxiety. The prospect of an encounter with Papa Emeritus loomed large, and my fingers involuntarily began to fidget with the fabric of my attire, a subconscious reflection of my inner turmoil.

Sensing my apprehension, Swiss turned to me with a reassuring grin. "Don't let the nerves get the best of you. Papa Emeritus might seem imposing at first, but you'll grow used to him," he offered, his words a lifeline in the sea of uncertainty that churned within me.

"I wish I could shake off these jitters," I admitted, my voice betraying a hint of tremor.

With a gentle chuckle, Swiss patted my shoulder. "It's perfectly natural. Just give it time," he advised.

As we arrived at the dining hall, Swiss swung open the ornate double doors, revealing a scene that was both captivating and overwhelming. The room was bathed in the soft glow of flickering candles, their light dancing across the polished surfaces of the table laden with an array of sumptuous dishes.

"Come join us over here!" Cirrus' voice bubbled with infectious enthusiasm as she beckoned me to a seat near her. A grateful smile tugged at my lips as I settled into the designated spot, situated strategically close to an unoccupied chair, which I assumed was reserved for none other than Papa Emeritus. The irony wasn't lost on me; the proximity to his seat did little to soothe my frayed nerves.

Phantom's voice cut through the chatter, his words a reminder that we awaited the presence of papa. My attention shifted to the vacant chair, and for a moment, time seemed to hang suspended as I pondered the significance of his arrival.

Just as anticipation reached its zenith, the grand doors swung open once more, and the enigmatic voice from earlier resonated through the room. "Good evening." Papa's voice echoed through the room. The gathered ghouls and ghoulettes chorused a harmonious response, and I found myself silently questioning whether this scripted exchange was the norm in this house.

Papa Emeritus, the figure of mystique and authority, surveyed the assembly. His gaze, however, lingered on me, prompting a mix of surprise and self-consciousness to surge within. A fleeting connection passed between us, and despite my best efforts to mask it, my uncertainty must have been palpable.

"Ah, our newcomer, I presume?" Emeritus' softened expression momentarily dispelled the imposing aura that surrounded him. Tentatively, I offered a small smile, acknowledging his acknowledgment.

"Yes, I'm the newcomer," I replied, my voice a whisper, my leg betraying my anxiety with a barely perceptible quiver. My gaze held his, drawn inexplicably to his unique visage, adorned with the striking contrast of white and black paint that formed an intricate semblance of a skull.

"Very well." The corners of his mouth lifted slightly as he settled into his seat. "Tell me, what name do you claim, and what instrument do you play?" The query hung in the air, and I was momentarily at a loss for words.

"My instrument is the keytar," I revealed, my voice sounding far more confident than I felt. An odd admission, considering I had never touched such an instrument before. Emeritus' raised eyebrow mirrored my own inner surprise.

"An intriguing choice indeed. And your name?" Emeritus' inquiry prompted a mental scramble, my mind rifling through the recesses of memory to unearth an answer. Just as uncertainty threatened to take hold, a whisper emerged from the depths, urging me to embrace it.

"Eclipse will be my name," the declaration felt as if it had been uttered by an external force, a name bestowed upon me rather than one I consciously selected. To my surprise, a genuine smile graced Emeritus' features.

"Eclipse, a name of elegance and mystery," he praised, his approval providing a fleeting rush of pride. The formality of the exchange gave way to a communal feast, the ghouls and ghoulettes delving into the bountiful spread before them, their camaraderie and laughter filling the air. Amidst their animated interactions, I remained on the periphery, a silent observer wrestling with my own thoughts.

A gentle touch on my knee snapped me from my thoughts, and I turned to find Emeritus leaning forward into my direction, concern etched across his features.

"Are you alright?" His inquiry resonated with a compassion that both startled and touched me. My attempt at a reassuring laugh was met with the gaze of not just Emeritus, but also Cumulus and Cirrus were looking into our direction.

"It's the nerves, you know," I confessed, my heart's rapid tempo echoing the sentiment. Emeritus' soothing gesture, his thumb making slow circles on my leg, ignited an unexpected warmth that spread through me.

"Understandable," he murmured, his gaze softening further before he resumed his meal. The sense of camaraderie within the room was palpable, a reminder that even the imposing figure of Papa Emeritus bore a human side.

As the meal concluded, Emeritus' proclamation of an impending practice session served as a reminder of the shared purpose that bound us together. Rising from his seat, he departed, his presence lingering in his absence.

Cumulus' voice broke the quietude that followed, her smile reassuring. "See, he's not as imposing as you thought."

A playful roll of my eyes accompanied my response. "I never claimed he was that." Laughter intertwined with conversation, and before long, the trio of Cumulus, Cirrus, and I remained as the sole occupants of the once bustling dining hall, the lingering echoes of an eventful evening hanging in the air.

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