Chapter 5

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After urging Marco to flee, Maxwell's warning proved prescient as five figures materialized before him. One of them was Aron, accompanied by his band of cohorts, all eager to exact revenge upon Maxwell. A smug smile adorned Aron's face as he taunted, "Well, well, who would have thought we'd find you here, Maxwell? Your previous display won't be enough to dispatch us so easily this time, you weaponless freak. It's time for you to face the consequences of what you did to Lady Melissa!"

Aron lunged at Maxwell, his war hammer poised to strike, but Maxwell deftly evaded the blow, retaliating with a magic missile that Aron promptly blocked. Frustration seeped into Maxwell's voice as he parried Aron's relentless assault while evading the attacks of his accomplices. "When will you people understand that she lied!" Maxwell exclaimed, his words tinged with exasperation. However, amidst the chaos, one of Aron's allies gained the upper hand, hurling Maxwell against a wall with bone-crushing force. The impact left Maxwell with three cracked ribs and a fractured back, momentarily stunning him.

Summoning his indomitable will, Maxwell rose to his feet, only to be sent hurtling into the air as Aron delivered a devastating blow that fractured his jaw with a sickening crack. Waves of agony coursed through Maxwell's body, threatening to consume him. But he refused to surrender. Seizing the opportunity, he unleashed two lethal magic missiles, eliminating two of Aron's cohorts. Landing on another assailant, he rendered them unconscious, engaging in a brutal hand-to-hand struggle with a dagger-wielding dwarf. Despite receiving a stabbing wound to his leg, Maxwell summoned his last reserves of strength, delivering a fatal kick that snapped the dwarf's neck.

"Even in your weakened state, you persist. I must admit, it's impressive that scum like you can keep fighting," Aron jeered, a triumphant sneer etched on his face. Believing Maxwell to be on the brink of begging for mercy, he reveled in his perceived victory. However, Maxwell, catching his breath, refused to succumb to Aron's derision. "If you're going to insult me, at least do it properly," he retorted, a glimmer of defiance in his eyes. "And understand this— I am innocent of the crimes you accuse me of!"

Maxwell launched himself at Aron, knowing well that defeating an adversary with such formidable defenses seemed impossible. But he had no choice but to fight, for his survival depended on it. Aron, as if anticipating Maxwell's every move, exploited an opening and delivered a powerful blow to Maxwell's chest with his war hammer, launching him into the air and shattering his spine. In that moment of intense pain and impending darkness, Maxwell's thoughts raced, resigned to the notion that his end had arrived.

Yet, from the depths of his being, an inexplicable instinct surged forth. With a swift motion, Maxwell's left hand grasped an ethereal presence at his right hip, drawing it forth as one would unsheath a blade. To his astonishment, his eyes beheld a shimmering longsword. Confusion and awe mingled within him, but there was no time for contemplation. Propelling himself from a nearby wall, he hurtled toward Aron, the newfound weapon guiding his movements. In a fluid motion, Maxwell slashed through Aron's defenses, leaving a deep gash across his chest. Though the wound was not mortal, Aron seethed with rage, unable to comprehend the emergence of a soul weapon in the hands of someone like Maxwell. "What? How can the likes of you possess a soul weapon!" Aron bellowed, his anger consuming him.

"I don't understand it either, but what I do know is that I need it to vanquish you!" Maxwell roared, his determination unyielding. Charging at Aron once more, his sword aimed directly for his adversary's heart, Maxwell pressed on, defying his own battered state. Fate, however, seemed to favor Aron, as he managed to strike Maxwell's side, fracturing two more ribs and slamming him forcefully into a wall. Yet, even in the face of relentless pain, Maxwell rose again, his stamina seemingly boundless, and thrust his sword through Aron's body, narrowly missing his heart. Aron collapsed to the ground, defeated, as Maxwell succumbed to the accumulated injuries, slipping into unconsciousness.

As darkness threatened to consume him, a mysterious figure emerged from the shadows, approaching Maxwell's prone form. The enigmatic figure lifted him gently, carrying him away from the scene, their intent shrouded in secrecy. Destiny had unveiled a treacherous path for Maxwell, one that would test his resilience and unravel the secrets of his newfound power.

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