Chapter Seventeen ㅡ Written In The Stars.

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''Lee Know hyung...'' 

Seungmin started, his gaze fixed on the ground. His mind was trying to find words, but it seemed like they were lost in the abyss of his mind. Seungmin tried hard to fight off the tears in his eyes, he couldn't cry. He wouldn't. Especially when there were so many cameras surrounding them, from every angle. 

''Lee Know hyung is someone I look up to a lot...'' He softly stated, his voice was already breaking. 

''I really admire him... he's a great idol... a great singer... a great dancer... a great hyung...''

''We've known each other for a long time, more than half a decade... and all those half a decade... the moments I spent with him were the moments I'd never regret...''

And a tear finally slips out of his eye. He wipes the water from his eyes and chuckles weakly at his own state. ''There are some people who think that we don't really match, or that we're too opposite to each other,''

''But being with Lee Know hyung has taught me that you don't really have to match with someone to vibe with them...''

''When I and hyung are together... it feels as if we don't really need words to communicate, it just... happens... ''

''I don't have to hear him say I'm sad to know that he's sad... or hear him say I'm mad at you to know that he's mad at me... it's just as if when we're together... we just click. ''

''We were known as the Gagwanz couple for a long time... and we stuck with that concept for a while,''

''There were times when I felt sad when we didn't interact as much, but...''

Seungmin contemplated. 

''But at home, he was usually nice to me. '' He giggled, putting up a hand over his mouth to cover his smile. 

''Lee Know hyung and I definitely don't match a lot... but we do have some similarities...''

''And I learnt that over the years... being with him really made me feel happy, and when I was with him,''

''I felt as if I didn't need anyone else in the world...''

''I really love him... and I only realised that a while ago...''

''Lee Know hyung and I are dating now... it only feels like a dream...'' Seungmin yet again felt his eyes brim with tears. 

''It only feels like a dream up until now... where he is an idol and I'm his fanboy... who just got lucky enough to be with his idol...'' He chuckled yet again and wiped the tears. 

Seungmin finally looked up at the camera, the tears were still slipping away from his eyes, but he didn't bother to wipe them. He sniffled and smiled weakly.

''Lee Know hyung...''

''I don't believe in forever, but when I'm with you... I want to believe in eternity...''

He finally says and turns around in his chair as he bursts out crying. 

It was as if it was the same day,

The same day, when Minho was eliminated from Stray Kids.

And Seungmin sat there, crying.

But now, the circumstances were different.

Minho had made it.

His Lee Know hyung... he had made it. 

And he made it alongside his only puppy. 

Seungmin was still crying when the cameras had stopped rolling. It was a surreal moment for the little boy, he wasn't sad, nor was he happy, he just felt a wave of overwhelming feelings rush into him when he described his and Minho's relationship. 

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