Rainy Days with Tam

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Welcome to the next chapter! Also I just wanted to mention, thanks for the 200+ views on this story. Most of my readers are from the US and Canada, but we also have some readers from Australia! So comment where you're from I'd love to know! Enjoy this chapter! -Moonstar

Hair color - H/C

Hair length - H/L

- Today was a very wet Sunday, Tam and you had plans to go to Atlantis but due to the rainy weather (does it rain in the elvin cities?) you had to change your plans. While you sat bored, against the window, your sweet boyfriend was thinking of ways to make you happy today.

-He sat for a while, brooding about what to do. Then he thought of several ideas. But first he needed you to be distracted. 

"Hey, Y/N can you go to the basement and look for uh, um an old plant pot please." he asked, Y/N's head snapped up.

"Huh, oh sure babe." you said and went to the basement. Tam thought he must have 20 mins at max, if you would actually spend that long looking for the flower pot. Tam ran around the house being as quiet as he could, trying not to alert you. He sped around your shared home and put the final touches just as you came out of the basement, with no pot, cause there wasn't one.

"Tam, I couldn't find it." you whined, your H/L, H/C cover with some sweat due to your search for the fake pot. Your boyfriend wrapped his arm around your waist and dragged you to the kitchen, where he had made some lunch for the two of you. You were pleasantly surprised and hugged Tam. He had make some umber leaves mixed with some other plants.

-The two of you began eating and soon, Tam had another surprise, it was a PILLOW FORT with plenty of blankets and pillows, making it the ultimate cuddle place. Tam and you decided to spend the rest of the day cuddling and listening to the rain.

- Sorry for the rushed ending. :). I was trying to get this done so you guys would have a new chapter to read. Thanks again for 200+ views and to all my readers! Enjoy reading! I will try and post tommorow for u guys! Have a good day/night! - Moonstar

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