Chapter 1: Jói

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You would think that after spending eight long years with a person. You'll know them from top to bottom, inside out, beginning to the end, like a book. For me it was all just a wish that I wanted to come true...I didn't know my boyfriend the way that I thought that I did. He lead me on to believe that I was the only woman that made him complete, that I was his better half. But yet I held a whole conversation between him and some other woman in the palm of my hands. I've read undeleted text between them from two months ago. It seemed as if they're real familiar with each other. Her confessing her love to him, admitting how much she misses him. For him to make the same confession was like a shot through the heart. My attitude was on a thousand after going through a few text between them. How could he possibility be in love with another woman after spending a whole ten years with me? But then again these days ten years meant nothing to these men folk. You could stand by an ninja's side through sickness, nurturing him back to health and he still would find a way to step on your toes. It didn't matter.... "Ten fucking years." I mumbled to myself. Cutting my eyes over at Jovan who was tucked away real nice and sleeping peacefully like an newborn baby. I know that he was far from being innocent. I guess that my hard stare must've burnt pure holes through his skin because he stirred in his sleep a little. He turned his back towards me and flipped his pillow to the cool side. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and entered the same digits into my phone that displayed in Jovan's messages. I marked her as the mysterious girl. I sat debating to myself if I should even message this girl and hit her with a boatload of questions or just leave well enough alone.... I looked back on their conversation and a certain type of anger took over me. "Bitch you deserve an an explanation from 'em both! If not their heads... Text that hoe." The inner bitch in me screamed. As I stuffed Jovan's iPhone back under his pillow, careful not to wake him. I turned my attention back to my phone. Thinking deeply about what I could possibility say to this woman. "How long? How long have you been seeing Jovan?"
I quickly sent the mysterious woman a text. Gripping my phone tightly, eagerly waiting for an response. Almost instantly I've gotten an text back.
"Straight to the chase huh? Let me guess this has to be the beloved Jói. I knew that this time would come one day.
My jaw instantly dropped to the floor. Jovan actually spoken about me too this bitch! How much more could she know about me? Tears burned the back of my eyes threatening to fall. Swallowing my pride I found it in my gut to question her once more.
"You know about me and still settle to be in second place. How does it feel being the other woman?"
After sending off the text I focused my attention back on Jovan. He stirred in his sleep a little more and reached out for me. "Baby are you okay?" he mumbled out to me in his sleep. The palm of my hands gave off this fiery sensation. It took every ounce of me not to cock back & slap the shit out of him. Instead I chosen against it & remained calm. "Yea baby I'm fine. Feeling a little under the weather that's all. But i'll be fine. You can go back to sleep now." With that being said Jovan rolled back over not even attempting to open his eyes once. Light snores filled the room... He went back to the land of "no care in the world" As I drift back to reminiscing about what I thought was a solid, truthful, and honest relationship. June 24, 2010 was the year that I had every reason to pack up and leave. The very year that I found out that Jovan stepped outside of our relationship and had a short lived affair with some girl that stayed in the big apple. This young woman took it upon herself to contact me on Facebook messenger questioning me about my relations with Jovan. I lie to you not I was appalled. I didn't know this woman from Adam and she decides to question me about my boyfriend. To keep things short and sweet I simply told her that I'm Jovans girlfriend. Like two minutes later this chick introduces herself as Monica, Jovan's "entertainment ". She went on to say that they've held a sexual relationship for three months now. That all the nights that he didn't stay with me he was with her. I didn't know how to react... My heart was too broken and my pride was too shot to entertain this ignorant bitch. I've just left well enough alone until Jovan brought his ass back home. I remember it like yesterday.

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