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I woke up this morning tired and wanting to go back to sleep. I got up after about 10 minutes of struggling and squirming trying to wake up. Once up I went down stairs wrapped in my blanket like usual and sat on the couch and waited for my father to leave so I can start getting ready.
After nearly falling back asleep with my dog on my lap he was finally leaving. Taking off grabbing some cloths to throw in the drier I get in the shower. I thought about what Allie and I talked about the previous night and make sher I said everything right. I think about what a jerk Dominic was yesterday and why we are friends. I thought about it being the last week of school. Before I knew it I got out, grabbed my towel quickly pulled on a robe and went into the laundry room to grab my cloths. They were nice and warm from the drier. I rushed back into the bathroom, got dressed, brushed up and all that good old stuff but I stop right before putting on my shirt.
Looking into the mirror I look at myself, well fit and tan lines on my upper arms, I get depressed slightly because it feels like I work so hard every day but I look weak. I'm skinny, so skinny I tested for below healthy body fat and 20 pounds underweight. Staring like I do everyday replaning what I will eat and how much I'll exercise I snap out of it and finish getting ready. I grab some snacks for school and look at the clock. 6:59am better get going. I walk down my street to my bus stop and brace myself for a new day.

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