Amnesty - Chapter 1

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He shouldn't have left her alone. you would have to be an idiot to leave an insane person right after you confused them. It's worse when they love you.
Katie knew she was like this. She was... Special. She got up, shaking violently with tears streaming down her face, off her chin, as she screamed. "Don't leave me! Please don't leave me!" she screeched as if yelling bloody murder. She took a few steps toward the door and stopped. Her mouth closed and the tears fell dead in their tracks. She was looking at something on the floor that had caught her eye. The butterfly with shiny metallic antennae and black, dull wings laid across the floor.She picked it up slowly and silently, opened it up and put it to her throat. The blades on the scissors were as dull as the color of the handles. There was no way that would do anything. Katie threw them at the ground and kept wobbling out into the hall way to start screaming her words again.
She didnt know why he was mad. She can't remember. She could only remember rereading. Not typing. What did she mean? She knew she typed it. She was confused. He was too. She remembered kind of waking up from a daze, laughing really hard. Her body trembling in fear but she was laughing so hard. Then she cried. She forgot and told him she forgot. why did he leave her? Because she forgot? He only logged off. Why was he so important right now? It was just an online chat. It's not like they were in person.
She stumbled into the kitchen, searching. For what? Katie knew but refused to let herself know untill she found it. "overdose could be an interesting way" she thought silently. "Or what if they found me hanging. no, the ceiling is too short" she trembled as she opened the cabinets. She looked at all the bottles, the most interesting there was roach poisoning. she cringed as she thought of poison.
then the sparkle of light struck her gaze within the cabinet. She picked up the metal stick and told herself to give up, then threw the huge knife at a wall and walked back.
Still murmuring the words of despair she laid herself on the bed. Katie looked through her online messages and saw the one that named "dear katie" she opened it to find it was from him. She read it once thinking it was something she shouldn't be worried about. She went to his profile and saw the one thing that make her heart sink. "the letter, what did it say?" She thought terrified of his newest change.
Katie clicked on the message saying "Dear Katie" and read it thoroughly then burst into tears screaming "no!" this time. It was louder than before. her heart was beating so fast a mouse was no comparison. It felt like it was going to jump out and leave her. Tears poured out and she couldnt see. Her breathing was so fast and deep she was hyperventilating. Then screamed into the darkness of her house "Amnesty!"

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