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I knocked on the door to make sure no one was in the room, so I could enter it and start my daily job. I knocked again and there was no answer, so i opened the door with my spare key, the room was a piece of shit, I wonder who on Earth would mess the room like that ?.

I started collecting random stuff around the room like pillows, papers, clothes and towels. I groaned as I bent down to collect a condom, thank god i was wearing gloves or else I would've ruined my hand.

I laid a pillow case on my shoulder as I pulled a pillow from the bed, so I could change it's case. As I carried the pillow, it was heavy weird, i thought to myself. I gasped at what my hand made contact with, a gun.

A gun in the hotel, How in Earth did this person pass the security with that gun ?. How did'nt he get caught ?.

I dropped the metal thing on the floor as I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see a curly haired boy with green eyes smiling at me like an ediot. "I am so, so sorry, sir. I'll come back when you're out of the room" i made an excuse and ran towards the door with the laundry cart behind me. Before I could reach the doorknob the curly boy turned me around and said "don't tell anyone about what you saw", I know what he was talking about, he was talking about the gun. I nodded and returned to get out of the room.

That guy looks scary, I don't want to deal with anything he might do to me if I told anyone about the gun, so I kept my mouth shut. Why would he keep a gun with him ?. Is he living the same life I am living ?. Running away from his problems ?.

I don't talk about my past too much, people ask me why I came to work in a hotel, but I wasn't going to tell them. I was hurt before, and I don't want to be hurt again.

I walked down the hall to the elevator since I finished cleaning the whole floor. Everyday at 8:00 Am, I clean the third floor of the hotel. Liza, my friend cleans the second floor. while Rebecca and Catherine cleans the first since it is the largest one. I don't know who cleans the rest of the floors, but we are a big amount of staff here, we are 83 girls and boys in the hotel, As house keeping. There are 34 chiefs, 25 security guards and 19 drivers. A big amount, I told you.

It was 9:30 Am, it's time for putting the dirty laundry to get cleaned. I walked down the hall to the elevator and rode it to the laundry floor. The laundry room and the kitchen are at the same floor. I entered the laundry room to see Liza, Catherine and Rebecca chatting. " What are you talking about, girls ? " I asked as I put all the laundry in the large washing machine. "About the hottie hottie" replied Liza. "Hottie hottie ?" I raised an eyebrow. "yeah,he's in the hotel,in your floor" In my floor ? . "what room is he in ?" I asked. "102" Rebecca answered. "Oh" was all I could say. "okay girls, I am gonna go to my room".

When I went to my room I saw a little note laying on my bed. i frowned as I picked it up to read it,

Watch your back Rosalie

-J xx

J !, no one calls me Rosalie besides Jake . He found me, and he's going to kill me. God please help me, I came all the way here so he can't find me. How did he find me ? How did h-

I was interrupted from my train of thoughts by the door knocking, What if that's Jake ?. Jake probably won't hesitate to knock, he would enter without a word and kill me.

I looked through the pipehole to see Liza ! Oh Thank god. I opened the door. " Rose you have to go clean room 102 now" Liza demanded. " is'nt that the hottie hottie room ?" I rolled my eyes. she laughed and said "yeah, but go now"

I took the laundry cart and took the elevator to the third floor. I wonder how does the 'hottie hottie' looks like. when I stopped at door 102 my eyes widened realizing that this is the room where I found the gun. They were talking about the curly haired boy, naming him the 'hottie hottie' ?

I knocked, swallowed the lump in my throat, praying everything is going to be okay. It's not like he's going to kill me. I'm just going to clean the room. As soon As the door opened, I was shaking. Yes, I am scared. " Come in" the curly haired boy opened the door enough for me to get in. "I'll start with the bathroom" I said and got to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me so he would'nt try to do anything stupid. I don't trust him though. "Why are you in a hurry ?" he said on the other side of the door. "Because i want to rest" i did'nt mean to be rude but he's annoying.

- - - -

When i finished cleaning the bathroom i got to the bedroom. "What's your name" the curly haired boy asked ever so calmly . "Rose" i sighed . " I'm Harry" Like i cared what was his name.

I collected random papers from the floor. Harry must be an important guy, he has papers around the room. I stopped collecting the papers when i saw a familiar paper. Well, no the whole paper, but the simbol at the right end of the paper. Jake's signature lied there with the blue ink shining on the paper.

I was speechless, staring at the paper trying to collect my thoughts, does Harry work for him ?, did Jake semd him over to kill me ?, or is he running away from him ?, i could'nt see straight infront of me. all i did was collect the paper as fast as i can and put them randomly on the desk.

I rushed around the room trying to get my ass out of here as fast as possible, i don't trust Harry and i think he is going to kill me, but if he wanted to kill wjy did'nt he do it from the moment i walked in.

Why did he ask me my name if he knows who i am ?

"How do you know Jake ?" I finally spoke after what seemed like forever of silence. He laughed as if I said a joke "How do I know Jake ?" He repeated through laughter. "yeah" I nodded. "He's the reason I am here " he spoke after he finished laughing. "What did he do to you ?" I raised an eyebrow. "I thought you were coming to clean the room, and now you're a detective ?" He smirked. He was right, but I just can't shut up when I met a person who works with Jake. The idea of Harry being paid by Jake to kill me made me sick.

I rushed to the door after cleaning the room, when I reached the doorknob Harry pinned against the wall and held me by my neck. "If you're scared of me, I have to tell you don't, because I am not going to hurt you. I am not working with him, I used to work to him but I ran away" he said, his grip slowly loosening around my neck each word he said.

Somehow his words made me relax, but the way he held me wasn't necessary. I Just nodded and try to get out of his grip but he kept me in place. Now, I am really scared of him, the way his eyes were darker, and the way he stared at me with anger. What did I do to make him do this to me ?

I don't know him, he doesn't know me, and he will never know.

"Come here at 12:00 Am, I am gonna have to talk to you about Jake" he walked away from me leaving me speechless at the words that left his mouth.

I don't trust him, maybe he didn't want to talk as he said, maybe he wanted to rape me or kill me because I saw the gun or because I found out that he is working for Jake. But he said he used to work for him That doesn't mean I can easily trust him. I am so terrified.

I'll just ignore him and never come to his room. " Don't try to ignore me because i'll come to your house" Harry cut my thoughts, Now I am going to piss my pants.

I gulped, turning around and heading for the door. I left the room leaving a big ass guy behind me in it.
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So guys that was the first chapter i will update everyday i promise and the chapters will be much longer.
have a nice day.

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