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Chapter 11: Lily's Breastfeeding and a New Friend

As life in the ABDL neighborhood continued to blossom, Lily found herself embracing new experiences and deepening her connections with others. One sunny afternoon, Lily and Zara decided to visit the local park, hoping to meet other residents of their special community.

As they strolled along the park's pathways, Lily noticed a group of people sitting under the shade of a tree. Curiosity piqued, she tugged on Zara's hand. "Mommy, can we go see what they're doing over there?"

Zara smiled down at Lily and nodded. "Of course, sweetheart. Let's go say hello."

As they approached the group, Lily noticed a girl around her age sitting on a picnic blanket. She wore a cute onesie and had a pacifier clipped to her shirt. Lily's eyes widened with excitement. It was clear that this girl was also a part of the ABDL community.

Feeling emboldened, Lily walked up to her and greeted her with a warm smile. "Hi there, I'm Lily. Are you also an ABDL?"

The girl looked up, a surprised but delighted expression on her face. "Oh, hi Lily! Yes, I am. My name is Emily. It's so nice to meet someone else like me."

Lily's heart swelled with happiness. She had always longed for a friend who shared her ABDL interests. "It's great to meet you too, Emily. Do you want to play together?"

With a nod, Emily eagerly agreed, and the two girls embarked on a playful adventure in the park. They swung on swings, slid down slides, and laughed together, forming an instant bond.

As their playtime came to an end, Lily and Emily sat down on a nearby bench, catching their breath. Lily hesitated for a moment, then gathered the courage to ask a question that had been on her mind. "Emily, can I ask you something personal?"

Emily smiled warmly, sensing Lily's hesitation. "Of course, Lily. You can ask me anything."

Lily took a deep breath. "I noticed you have a pacifier clipped to your shirt. Do you use it often?"

Emily's cheeks tinted pink, but she nodded. "Yes, I do. It helps me feel calm and secure. I also engage in breastfeeding as part of my ABDL lifestyle."

Lily's eyes widened in surprise. She had heard about adult breastfeeding within the ABDL community but hadn't encountered anyone who practiced it. "Wow, that's interesting. Can you tell me more about it?"

Emily hesitated for a moment, understanding that this was a sensitive topic. But she appreciated Lily's genuine curiosity and desire to learn. "Breastfeeding is a way for some ABDL individuals to connect with their nurturing side or experience a sense of comfort. It can be a deeply personal and intimate experience, just like bottle-feeding or using pacifiers. It's not for everyone, but for those who find solace in it, it can be incredibly fulfilling."

Lily listened attentively, her curiosity turning into understanding and acceptance. "Thank you for sharing that with me, Emily. It's amazing how diverse our ABDL community is, with different interests and ways of finding comfort. I'm glad we can talk about these things openly without judgment."

Emily smiled gratefully. "Me too, Lily. It's wonderful to have friends who understand and accept us for who we are. I'm so glad we met."

As the sun began to set, Lily and Emily bid each other farewell, promising to meet again soon.

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