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xiii. - the red room.

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- - - - - - SEPTEMBER 1, 1888 - - - - -

Spitalfields, London 8:50 p.m.

"WHAT A LOVELY couple," a dark-haired woman said as she approached them from behind a line of scantily dressed women. "We do not often receive many guests as pairs. How may we best serve you this evening?"

No wonder why the waitress at the Ten Bells had been acting so strange. They were asking for a prostitute, so it wouldn't be out of the picture for others to assume it was for her services.

"Uh, I'm... not really sure," said June.

The woman smiled, the gleam in her eyes almost devilish. "You need not be shy, my dear."

"We are, uh, here for Sarah," stammered Theo.

"Ah," said the woman with a smile. "Good choice, she is a favorite. Please step forward, Sarah."

One of the women stepped forward and smiled softly. She was beautiful, with dark brown eyes and voluminous blonde curls. She was tall and so slim her ribs protruded from underneath her dress. June snuck a glance at Theo, but it was hard to read his gaze. He looked completely flabbergasted, but June couldn't be sure whether that was because of the situation they were in or Sarah's beauty.

She really hoped it wasn't Sarah's beauty.

"And who do you desire, miss?"

June took a long moment to realize the woman was talking to her. "W-what?"

"Your partner has chosen Sarah. Whom will you choose?"

June's cheeks felt like they were on fire. "I choose Sarah too?"

The woman studied June for a moment. Just as she was wondering if she'd said something totally inappropriate, the woman laughed. "Very well. You may proceed to the Red Room. Sarah will take you there."

The Red Room? What in Jane Eyre was going on?

Sarah made no sign that she was disgusted or affected by any of their comments. A small smile remained plastered to her face, devoid of any life or emotion. Slowly, she turned and began walking down a hallway off to the right. Like mannequins on display, the other women who hadn't been chosen remained still.

Hesitantly, June and Theo made their way after Sarah. The way she walked made it look like she was floating, and June wondered how long it had taken her to perfect it. The time it took them to get from the lobby to the Red Room felt so excruciatingly long that June almost blew their cover before they got there. However, as soon as the door shut behind them, the words came spilling out of her mouth. And apparently, out of Theo's at the same time.

"We don't need your services," blurted June.

"You're in danger, Sarah," said Theo at the same time.

June silently cursed herself. Why hadn't she thought to lead with that?

Sarah lifted a perfectly plucked eyebrow, making the first natural expression since they'd met. "Pardon me? You are not here for—?"

"No," said Theo. "We're here because of someone you met last night."

"Someone I met... what?" Sarah took a step backward, placing a hand on the door handle behind her. She was seconds away from running, June could tell.

"I understand that you're confused," said June, raising her hands slowly. "You met a man last night by the name of Edward. Am I right?"

Sarah's eyes widened. "How did you know that?"

"He sent us here," Theo jumped in, "to judge your worthiness and loyalty to the New World."

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