We Are History

231 3 5


Year: 475

Ashlee's POV

"Ashlee!" My twin sister, Rebekah calls. I look back at her through the dreary rain that gives the world a dull, grayish look.

"Come on, Bekah!" I call, spinning in the rain. I laugh and spin round and round until I am dizzy. I sit down in the wet, spongey grass, the wet and cold seeping through my long grey dress. My waist length blonde hair is sticking to my face where it is falling out of the intricate braid my mother tied it into that morning.

"Your crazy, Ash. Insane." Rebekah scolds me with an affectionate smile, joining me on the soft ground. Her blonde hair quickly gets wet in the heavy downpour of blustering rain, and her blue eyes; identical to mine, are stunning blue orbs with elegant long lashes dripping with crystal rain droplets.

"It runs in the family." I smile at her, passing my bubbly attitude to my sister. She giggles with me, and we watch as our brothers wrestle in the mud.

"It's very unladylike to watch." Rebekah mutters, her eyes glued to the play fight before us. "Good thing we aren't ladies then, Bek." I smirk. She tears her eyes away from the scene before us to squint her gorgeous eyes at me. "Good thing." She grins.

"Hey- break it up, boys!" My best friend and sister at heart calls, walking up to them. Natalie, Rebekah and I have been inseparable since birth, and we often say that we are triplets; although nobody would be foolish enough to believe us. Rebekah and I have long blonde hair and blue eyes, Natalie has long jet-black hair and stunning green eyes.

My vain older brother, Kol, stops wrestling my other brother, Brenton, to walk over to Natalie.

"This should be interesting." Rebekah mutters as we observe the scene before us.

Rebekah and I have a theory that Brenton and Natalie are secretly in love, but neither realizes the feeling comes from both sides.

Kol reaches out to stroke the flawless pale skin of Natalie's cheek. "Ladies like yourself shouldn't bother themselves with man business." He purrs to her. I roll my eyes, Kol is such a flirt.

Natalie smiles at him and catches his hand, twisting it back until he gasps. She bends his entire arm behind him in a tight hold, then kicks at his knees and he buckles to the ground.

"You're right Kol. Ladies like yourself shouldn't bother with man business. You might get hurt." And she walks away from him, to much applause and laughter from Rebekah, Brenton and I.

"Well done, Nat." I smile at her as she joins us on the ground. "Maybe it will make him a little more modest." Rebekah giggles as we watch a muddy Kol pick himself up from the ground.

"It's time to get in the caves." One of my favorite brothers; Elijah calls.

"Brenton! Kol! It's time!" I call to them, and they jog to meet us. We walk into our house, past Elijah.

Elijah catches one of my hands and one of Rebekah's, spinning us back to look at him. "For the only girls in the family, you sure are one of the boys." He smiles affectionately at us. Then he frowns a little. "Father will not be pleased with your appearances." He tucks a lock of my wet hair back into my braid.

"Hurry into the caves, dear sisters." He says, dropping our hands. We rush to the back of the house, through a small hallway and across a room. The rug is already pushed aside and my brother Finn is lowering himself into the hatch that lay below, leading to the caves; the only place we are protected from the werewolves.

Rebekah and Finn don't get along the best, because Finn and our other brother Niklaus couldn't get along if their lives depended on it, and Niklaus and Rebekah are close.

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