Chapter 31

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               Chapter 31

               Owens POV

The door banged against the wall behind it as I opened it.

Mom was in the kitchen drinking wine with ice cream, I passed her and went to the sink to drink water.

“Ain't you going to use a glass?” She asks

“....” I didn't reply as I didn't feel like it

“Owen?” she called

I turned the tap off and looked at her

“What's with the scowl you look ugly,” She said

“argh” I groaned

I went to my room leaving her.

“Are you  finally hitting your adolescent stage?” I heard her ask as I closed the door.

I locked the door then I banged my head against the door, I could feel tension on my shoulders of everything that was going on.

I don't know why my stupid ass thought that calling upon a demon or whatsoever he is would be a great idea.

I felt hands wrap around my waist and felt their head rest on my back just before my neck.

“It was not a bad idea and why are you so angry? It is turning me on but at the same time it annoys me” He said

“Move your hands,” I hissed

He sighed then move his hands then gave me some space to turn around.

“What happened?” he asked again

I turned around and faced him  “Well why don't you tell me, Elijah, ” I declared

“She finally told you didn't she?”

“....” I was scared to talk as I knew that tears would be streaming down my face

He passed around the room while one hand was on his hip and the other one was brushing his forehead furiously.

“We need to separate,” I said

He chuckled “First you cheat on me by kissing that boy and now you're telling me this shit!”

“You are causing problems in my life and I'm safe from my brothers because they won't be coming back,” I explained

“I am not your toy that you can just throw around you hear me? I thought that we had something... I thought that you finally realized who I was to you,” He said


“Owen we...I had saved you so that you could live a different life, I thought that if I removed them from your life then you would finally be free but now you want me gone?” He whimpered


He didn't stop moving up and down instead he started levitating and was now walking on air.

“I helped you and you thank me by wanting me gone? How could you still want her to search for the solution when you know very well that it could cost my life”

“Hugo I'm sure that she was joking and it's not like it's a big deal you are a demon so you could just come back to earth.... right?”


“And come down here  because you're getting me dizzy,” I said

He gently dropped to the ground and slumped against the wall with his head in his hands.

“Does whatever contract we have, manipulate my feelings for you?” I ask


“I mean whatever that I'm feeling ”

“Owen the contract does not affect any emotions of yours and the is no contract but an invisible bond between us” He explained


I felt a sharp pain hit my heart as I realized that I was in love with Hugo, but what confused me was  that he hasn't been here for that long and how could I be in love already

“I love you... I think” I said

“What?” He asked as he raised his head to look at me

“Could you stop saying what!” I said

He stood up and approached me “Does that mean we can finally be with each other?” He hopefully asked

“No. Loving you doesn't mean that we have to be in a relationship”

He turned his back on me and disappeared

                HUGO'S POV

I threw the door as I opened it and it went flying outside, the dogs then took it and played with it.

I was crying which was something a Vampire lord shouldn't be seeing doing.

“Master?” questioned Alfred my butler

“Where is Pixie?” I asked

He shaked as he backed away from me because I was releasing my toxic pheromones

“She escaped this morning and we weren't able to locate her,” He said


“And you know that you cant have sex with anyone other than him. You need to convince him to sleep with you and drain his energy to heal yourself,” He said

“Cant I drain somebody else?”

“You cannot he's the one who summoned you and he's also a virgin, that's what you need to heal yourself permanently,” He said

I dropped myself on the closest couch  “Sunflower told him that someone might die in order to separate us. its either I die who he does  ,”

“And you can't die you have a lot to do, hes just another human being and you have been eating them...why cant you take this ones life force and eat him?”

“Alfred that was the old me and I find eating humans nasty,” I said

He moved from where he was standing to stand in front of me.

“Master we don't have time we are only left with 4 months or else well lose you,”


Dang that was a lot

I'm sorry for not posting last week but I count focus as I had a lot in my head. But yeah I'm back and here to deliver.

Love you🥰


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