4 「W H A T S - N E X T」 2

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third point of view

𝐆𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐓 𝐏𝐀𝐔𝐋 𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐆𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃, Jared paused not having expected Catherine to want them to apologize to each other, but there didn't seem like any reason he shouldn't be able to.

Which he quickly realized as he turned towards Paul, a small humble look on his face as he began to explain himself to his fellow pack member.

"I know we haven't known her long but I've grown real feelings for Catherine," Jared began to explain sadly as he avoided eye contact with everyone, before glancing at Paul again. "I don't want to lose her, I won't let you guys take her away from me."

At his words everyone paused, especially Catherine she hadn't expected him to grow feelings for her so quickly, despite the fact she couldn't say that she didn't enjoy his presence.

Just watching his mannerisms was enough to put a smile on her face, he was different from Jacob, Paul, and Sam just like any other person was different from another.

But what was different about him made him even more attractive in her eyes, especially his laugh.

"I just don't want her to feel pressured into loving us," Jared continued to explain as he slowly glanced at everyone else in the room, he was a person who did what he thought was best for others. "it wouldn't be real, wouldn't be right."

"But I love her," Paul suddenly spoke up causing them to look over at him in shock, they hadn't expected him to just throw out the 'love' word. "sort of, I may not love you as much as you love Jacob, but I'm growing too, I-"

Paul paused trying to verbalize his words, he didn't come from a household that was all about talking about their feelings.

He was raised to suck it up, be a man, but he didn't want his imprint to misunderstand him, they needed some kind of level of deep communication.

"I'm attracted to you too, I like you, all of you," Catherine spoke up before Paul could from Jacob's chest, grabbing everyone's attention despite her only looking at Paul.  "there's something different about all of you that attracts me so deeply, I want to be with you."

Finishing up her words, Catherine glanced at the three other Quileute Shifters in the room besides Jacob.

"With all of you." Catherine finished now glancing up at Jacob, fear in her eyes as she didn't exactly wait for his reaction.

The two had already gotten into an argument over Paul, now throwing two other men into the conversation, Catherine didn't know how the boy would react.

But she didn't voice her opinion, she wouldn't be happy if she hadn't.

"Bunny-" Jacob began to speak wanting to give his opinion, but he was only interrupted by a fearful Catherine, she just wanted to get everything out before someone could stop her.

"I'm sorry Jake," She apologized lightly as she avoided eye contact with him, the girl instead looking down at her lap emotionally. "something inside of me won't let me, let them go, it hurts when I even think about trying."

"It's okay Bunny," Jacob spoke as he lightly ran his hand over the girl's head, before laying a light kiss on her forehead as he spoke. "when I imprinted I saw our future together and I don't want to risk that by making you choose."

As he spoke Jacob softly moved a bit of Catherine's hair out of her face, lightly grazing his index and middle finger from the bunny-girl's forehead to her cheek.

Taking in every last part of his imprint's face, Jacob couldn't help the small smile that came over his lips before he leaned down.

Leaving a small chaste kiss on the girl's lips before he pulled back, he was one hundred percent behind whatever choice she wanted to make.

As long as he, himself was still in her life.

"So how are we going to do this?" Jared asked after having looked away once the two of them kissed, the same as Paul and Sam.

None of them were on the level of seeing the two of them blatantly kiss, which was a bit ironic since only a few hours earlier they'd witnessed the two having sex in a car.

"How about a date," Jacob suggested after a few seconds with a shrug of his shoulders, the first date was a crucial part of any relationship. "I've already taken her on our first one, it'll be so she can see how she feels about all of you individually?"

At Jacob's quick suggestion, Jared and Paul both paused it wasn't a bad idea, to be honest, it was the perfect idea for both of them.

But it wasn't just their approval that was needed, so both of them turned toward their Current Alpha.

"It doesn't sound to bad," Sam spoke with a small tip of his head, he too agreed with their current course of action suggested by Jacob, but his opinion wasn't the final opinion. "Catherine?"

At the mention of her name, all attention turned towards Catherine, four sets of eyes filled with hope and lust stared the girl down causing a light pink blush to come over the bottom of her cheeks.

"Yeah, i-it's fine." She answered with a small stutter as she looked down avoiding eye contact with all of them, she couldn't even look them in the eyes without feeling a heartbeat between her legs.

"Great, sounds like a deal," Jacob said quickly as he stood up front the couch, it was entirely too late for this conversation to go on much longer. "it's getting late, time for everyone to head home."

"It is nearly midnight." Sam commented after glancing at the clock on the wall, although drowsiness and fatigue didn't hit them the same as humans.

It still got them after a while, so it was needed that they maintained a regular sleep schedule, a sleepy-irritated shifter that transforms by their anger level is never a good thing.

"You guys can decide who goes first tomorrow," Jacob spoke as he turned towards Catherine, holding out his hand for her to grab. "then the next day, then last."

With Catherine quickly placing her hand in his, the girl stood up from the couch right up next to her boyfriend, their standing immediately caused the others to.

Everyone was quick to exchange short goodbyes with their imprint and Future Alpha, however the three stuck at the pack house wanting nothing other than for her to stay.

Even if it was only for one night, the imprint bond made it difficult for them to even think about her being away from them, now she was going to be.

It worried them deeply that she was outside the pack's territory, making them jittery, fearful of what could happen since they weren't around.

So it was no wonder when four large black bear-sized wolves appeared outside the Swan Household, none of them leaving until another showed up although even then they were reluctant.

For the entire night, they watched over her home, making sure no one would even think about getting close to their imprint and her home.

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