Carnival of Sins

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In the world of sin anything could happen. People were selfish and greedy after all and it made it oh so easy to commit a sin. It could happen anywhere, any time of the day and most importantly with anyone.


Life was fairly easy for Jung Wooyoung. He had a simple job at a nice coffee shop and pretty much lived alone since he decided to leave his hometown. Except for his friends. Changbin and Felix basically adopted him when they met at the university party, even though Wooyoung just went there to study dance. It felt like they didn't understand the concept of no, but only in a joking manner, of course. They never stepped over the line and always made sure Wooyoung felt safe with them. Both of them were very straightforward and honest which helped building the bond between the three of them. Their honesty made it easier for Wooyoung to trust them and eventually become inseparable in just a few weeks. They only had one rule; which was no lies, regardless of the topic. After some time it became normal for them to even overshare and they grew even closer due to that. Wooyoung knew both Changbin and Felix from the inside out, every flaw they had, and accepted them just as they accepted him.

University life was hard and everyone in their class struggled to get through but somehow they all managed to graduate and start their own life.

Felix inherited some parts of his late father's company so it was only natural for him to go in that direction. He offered to both Changbin and Wooyoung a job which Changbin accepted after struggling to find a job for months. Wooyoung on the other hand had little to no interest in company related stuff and while he supported his friends with his all, he picked a different route to go on. After graduation he applied for dance academies to teach young ones and luckily one offered him a job. Since his payment wasn't enough to cover his living expenses, he took up a part time job as a barista at a coffee shop near his home. He loved both of his jobs, as he was able to meet interesting people through both of them and he had his friends' support. Although sometimes his days were uneventful, he still remained happy and bubbly. Wooyoung was able to make anyone feel at ease, it just came naturally to him.


Wooyoung just closed the shop and started to head home when his phone rang. Felix's name popped up on his screen once he managed to fish out his phone from the pocket of his hoodie.

'Sup Felix?' He accepted the call and he instantly heard loud coughing on the other end of the phone.

'Wooyoung...' his voice was naturally deep but it went even deeper as he tried to talk. 'I feel like shit'

Concern rushed through Wooyoung when he heard the sharp inhale Felix took, that he knew must've hurt from the way Felix went completely silent after that. He knew Felix wasn't the type to ask for help, but it was natural for Wooyoung to help his friends with whatever they needed.

'Do you have anyone close by?' he asked even if it was obvious that no one was there, otherwise Felix wouldn't have called him in the first place. He was already planning to get some medicine for his friend and go over to his place to make sure he would be okay.

'Changbin is out of town...' he answered but his words ended in a coughing fit just as he was about to continue.

'Fuck.. okay I think the store is still open near me, I'll be there in like half an hour okay? Until then take a shower and go to bed'

'Thank you Woo' he rasped and hung up the call.

Once Wooyoung found the store it was already closed so he had to go to the 0-24 trashy shop he knew close by. It wasn't the best place to shop at, as a lot of robberies and assaults happened in the area, especially at night, but Wooyoung had no other choice. He felt a sudden temperature rise as soon as he stepped in the store, but blamed it on the rush he was in. He quickly turned to the very limited medicine selection they offered and pulled out some that he knew worked for cold. He was just about to round the corner to go and pay when he bumped into someone. He mumbled an apology and was about to bypass the person so he could pay and leave but he was stopped by a strong hand grabbing his arm. He looked up to tell the person off or even curse at him for not letting him go but once he locked eyes with the stranger he went speechless. The guy was around the same age as him, even his height wasn't that much different from him either. He wore a long black coat with a black dress shirt under that was definitely unbuttoned far more than the respectable amount. Wooyoung could see the muscle in his chest flex at the same time when the hand gripped him tighter. The simple silver necklaces sparkled as the light hit them just the right way, pulling Wooyoung's attention to the stranger's neck and then up. The man had a sharp jawline, high cheekbones and strangely feline like eyes that seemed so bright and dangerous at the same time. He couldn't help but continue to stare at the man before him.

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