Chapter 6

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Flowers had always been one of Cahira's favorite things to pass time with, either it be drawing them or just admire their beauty. She'd walked deeper into the garden, taking in the smells and the sight of them. Where Seren had gone to, she didn't know, neither did she really try and figure it out. The maids she'd left had to go attend some business that Cassandra had told them after she'd gone out of the basement. However, they'd left the snacks behind for the girl to snack on.

Cahira had been walking through the garden before she'd settled upon the blanket the maids left, chewing on a cookie.

"Cahira, it may not be safe here. I need to ask you ... will you leave with me if it becomes necessary?"

She looked up at Seren. His expression serious. Where had he wandered off to that had gotten him so serious? What did he figure out? She looked at the basket of food for a second as she thought of an answer. Where would they even go beside here? She didn't know anything about this place. After a minute, she grumbled and got up from the ground.

"As a last resort," she answered, "let's hope it doesn't come down to that."

She looked at the flowers around them, not liking the fact that he had to ask her that. If they weren't safe there, where would they be safe? On the run from everything? For clearly there were people after them both for some reason.

"Did you find what you were looking for though?" she asked, looking back at him.

Her eyes followed his hand as he brushed them against the line of rosebushes beside him. "I admit," he said, looking over at the blanket she'd been sitting on, "I was not exactly looking for ale. I overheard something, Cahira. The guard that watched over me, she's not who your aunt believes her to be."

'That lady is my aunt? How does he know that?' she thought, slightly taken back, 'what else does he know about me?'

"What do you want to do with that information? Don't you think this person might end up getting themselves in trouble?" she asked, a small sigh escaped her, "Seren, we're safe here. We must put some trust in these people, ease your mind a little. We'll be fine."

Of course, she couldn't trust nor believe these people fully herself, but she tried to. Cahira walked over to him and gave his hand a soft pat before she smiled.

"I'm going to talk to Lady Antine about something she told me while I took a bath. Don't get yourself in trouble, Seren," she said, continuing past him and towards the mansion doors.

'I already know he will cause some kind of trouble.'

A maid came to her side shortly after she'd entered the mansion, bowing her head at the redhead. She seriously had to get used to that.

"Where do you want to go?" the maid asked.

"Uhm, Lady Antine?" Cahira asked, not really know how to address her request.

"Right this way, princess."

Well, that was easier than she thought. She followed the maid closely, looking around as they walked through the halls, and a few stairs of the mansion. Until they came to a door with a tree etched into the face of the wood. She walked in as the maid was about to announce her request. The woman was sitting behind the desk, shuffling through some papers.

"I got questions that I don't know if I want the answers of," she confessed, looking straight at the woman in front of her.

"Go ahead, little one. I might hold the answers you seek," the woman replied, looking up at her with a soft smile.

"Everything. Why did I stumble into this world, or whatever it is? Why are people after me, they don't even know who I am."

Antine chuckled before motioning for the girl to sit down, which she did, figuring this talk would need some heavy truths.

"We'll take the simple question first. Why are people after you?" the woman said, placing her hands in front of her, "your father ran away when you were newly born. But the reason happens before that, while your grandmother was still alive. She caused a lot of damage to Warkinles and was set to be executed.

However, the power she had was nowhere to be found when she was killed. Or that is what she wanted people to think. A balance must be kept and therefore, people didn't really see further than a few feet ahead. Well, most of them that is. The Woodwitches, and those who knows you by your hair, are people who seeks to get the power that is harboring inside of you. And-"

"Hold on, I got powers?" Cahira interjected, frowning.

"Yes, you do. Yours is of ancient time, and therefore, it brings destruction where it goes. When your grandmother transferred it to you, she was in a hurry and gave you what made them all turn mad, or go along with their thoughts of revenge," Antine explained, "your very existence is a threat to the people who holds power in this land."

"So, I'm important?" she asked, putting a hand to her forehead.

Antine chuckled as she nodded. Cahira leaned back in the chair and looked away from the other, letting her eyes scan the back of the books in the shelf.

"Why did I stumble into this place then? Is it even real?" she asked after a moment of silence.

"It's very much real, little one. You've felt it, haven't you? The dangers these lands hide. The heat of the sun and the cold of the night?"

"I have, but I didn't know the stories dad said was actually real."

"Shawn is a protector. He did everything for you. But as to why you stumbled into this world at this time, I can't tell you, for I do not know. I know about a lot in this world, but that I don't know. Destiny is after all a funny thing."

Cahira stood up from her seat, taking a deep breath. Antine also stood up but went over to the bookshelf. She stood there for a moment before pulling a book out, brushing the cover of it like it was important. Cahira walked over to one of the paintings on the wall and tried to go over the information again. It didn't make sense, none of it. If she was so important, how come her father ran away?

"Cahira." She hadn't noticed Antine walk up to her, holding out the book in her hand. "This book will give you the rest of the answers you might seek. It's yours."

The redhead glanced over and carefully took the book in her hands before looking at it. The cover was a maroon shade of red. A picture of a flame was sewn into it, with gems. Could a book really help her find the answers she sought?

"As to your question earlier today, I am your aunt. Your father is my brother."

She looked up at the older woman and scrunched her nose. So Seren had been correct about that.

"I shall return to my room and read some of this," Cahira said, holding the book, "thank your Anti- aunt. For the answers and getting us out of that situation this morning."

She didn't look back as she entered the halls, clutching the book to her chest. Despite achieving more answers, a lot of questions ran through her mind. The three fire nymphs appeared out of nowhere and floated around her, before settling on her shoulder. She sighed as she approached the chambers, nodded to the guards stationed outside, before she closed the doors behind her.

"If what I now know is true then why did I have to come here? If my father ran away, there must have been some reason beside the fact that there is something inside of me that people want," she muttered, chewing on the inside of her cheeks.

The doors opened and Cassandra walked inside, holding a few items in her hands. Cahira sat down on the edge of the bed and watched the maid.

"I take it the talk was somewhat meaningful?" the maid asked.

"If getting answers that brings more questions are meaningful, then yes," she muttered.

"It will take time. Now we need to get you ready for sleep. There is still a day tomorrow," Cassandra said, handing the redhead a nightgown.

"Cassandra, I know this is your job, but I'm very much capable of doing this myself."

The maid looked over before nodding, "as you wish, my lady."

Cahira watched her leave the chambers before getting changed. She found the nightgown quite comfortable, despite not really worn one before. She glanced at the sword in the corner and shook her head. She grabbed the book and crawled under the covers, the candle on the nightstand being her only source of light.

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