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Me: How does everyone like their roles?
Riddle: Why am I the gold digger?
Lilia: Has anyone seen Malleus?
Azul: Didn't you send him a letter Lilia?
Lilia: No.
Me: So Malleus doesn't-
Everyone suddenly jumped back as green flames erupted from the ground. As they finally began to dissipate, it revealed Malleus.
Malleus: Child of Man, I am here!
Me: Oh hello Malleus. How did you know about the movie?
Malleus: I heard Sliver talking about it.
Me: Well good your here.
Floyd: Me and Jade are main characters!!
Ace: No far!
Deuce: I want to a main character!
Me: Let's start.
L is for the way you look at me~
O is for the only one I see~
V is very, very extraordinary~
E is even more than anyone that you adore~
The music plays in the background as Azul and Vil dance.
Love is all that I can give to you~
Love is more then just a game for two~
Azul kisses Vil. Soon they were drinking a glass of wine.
Photographer: Can I get a photo of the newlyweds?
The photographer takes a photo of Vil and Azul.

Photographer: Can I get a photo of the newlyweds?The photographer takes a photo of Vil and Azul

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Azul: So you've never had any wine?
Vil: No.
Vil gave a small chuckle.
Azul: Well you better get use to it. I want have a Vineyard.
Vil: Isn't that were you grow grapes to male wine?
Azul: Correct.
Azul grabbed Vil's hand and kiss it gently as a small blush started to trace Vil's face.
Vil: Well I want to be a model or a fashion designer.
Azul: Well I think you will do amazing.
Vil: Love you my sea king.
Azul: I love you too my queen.
Both Vil and Azul were young only 20 but they knew they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. Right?
------------16 years and 6 mouths later--------
The buses were letting teens out to the camp. A bunch of teens were trying to get their bags. As the camp leader and right hand were announcing bucked assignments. Floyd ran over to a pile of bags. "Ok. Found my bag." As Floyd was about to grab his bag when more bags were thrown on top on his bag. Floyd grab the strap trying and failing to pull his bag out of the pile. "You need help?" "Who are you?" "I'm Epel." Epel said with a smile. "Oh um. Yea its the big purple one. Buried wayyy in there." Floyd said annoyed. Epel tried to pull the bag out. As he did that another teen pulls his bag out of the pile easily. "Wow he's good." Floyd said. "Hey hoodie guy!!" "It's Jamil." Jamil said. "Hey can you help me with my bag?" Floyd asked. Jamil walked over and easily pulled Floyd's bag out. "I'm Floyd Leech." Floyd said. "FLOYD LEECH!" "Here!" Floyd yelled. "WOODCHUCKS!" "I'm also in woodchuck cabin." Epel said. "Same." Jamil said. "Awesome." A limousine drives by. "Wow." Jamil said. "Cool" said Epel. "Who is in there?" Floyd asked. Both Epel and Jamil shrug as they walk to their cabin with Floyd.
Rook gets out of the limousine and opened the door for someone to get out. Jade climes out of the car. "That took forever!" Jade said relieved. Rook chuckled. "Ok Jade do you have everything?" Rook asked. "Yep." Jade said. Rook adjudges Jade's suit. "Really Rook?" Jade asked annoyed. "Oh something from your grandfather. Maybe you can find someone who can beat you act poker." Rook handed Jade the deck of cards. "Yea right." Jade said with a smirk. Rook held out his hand. Jade took Rook's hand and they did their handshake. "Now remember I'm one phone call away." Rook remained Jade. "Ok Rook. See you soon." Jade said. Rook sighed "Missing you all ready child of a queen." Rook gets back into the limousine. "Airport." Rook said to the driver. Jade grabbed his bags and waited for his name to be called. "JADE SCHOENHEIT!" (For the sake of the story) "Over here!" Jade yelled. "GRIZZLY!" Two teens ran over to Jade. "Hi I'm Ace and this is Deuce we're also in grizzly." Ace said with a smile. "Oh. I'm Jade Schoenheit." Jade said calmly. "Wait your related to Vil Schoenheit?!" Deuce asked his eyes sparkling. "Yep." Jade said.
Everyone was getting lunch. Jade and Floyd were next to eachother not forcing on eachother. The camp owner stepped between them. "Sorry boys I just want to get some of these delicious strawberries." He turns to Floyd. "What about you? You going to get some strawberries?" "Oh no. I'm allergic." Floyd said. "Oh what a shame." Floyd walks to a table as Jamil takes his spot. The camp owner turns to Jade. "What about you young man. Strawberries?" "Hell no. I'm allergic." Jade said. "Yes allergic- you just told me that. How did you get over there?" He looks were Floyd used to stand. "Oh. You got to excuse the old man." He kept talking as Jade leaves allowing Ace to take his place. "Now where did he go?"
Floyd was fencing with another camper. "Good job" Floyd pulled his competitor up and walked over to his friends to get some water. "Awesome. Undefeated champion Mr. Floyd Leech. Any challengers?" Jade, Ace, and Deuce walked up. "Oh come on boys!" "I'll take a challenge." Jade said as he walked over to the fencing uniform. "Ok we have a challenger." Jade puts on the fencing jacket and held the hamlet. Before looking at eachother they put on their hamlets. "Ready. Fence!" Both boys started fencing even getting off the court. "Nice catch" "Thanks" Soon Jade took the final hit knocking Floyd into the water. "AHHH!" "oh my!" Jade started laughing then held out his hand. "Let me help you." Jade said. Floyd took Jade's hand and said "No let me help you!" Floyd pulled Jade into the water. "AHH!" "Why did you do that!?!" Jade yelled. "Me! You pushed me in!!" "I did not!" " ok. Floyd that was quite a show. " Jade and Floyd refused to look at eachother. "Come on boys. Shake hands." Jade and Floyd turned to look at eachother and shocked fills their face. The other campers were whispering about their similarities. Jade and Floyd slowly shock hands. "Why is everyone staring?" Floyd asked. "You really don't see it?" Jade asked annoyed. "See what?" "How similar we look?" "Well your eyes are much closer together then mine. Your'll grow into them. Your teeth are a little crooked. Oh and that nose." Floyd said. "Shut up" Ace said leaning against Jade. "Hold on I'm not done. You want to the real difference between us?" Floyd asked. "Is it that my family is famous and yours isn't?" Jade asked with a smirk. "Why you little-" Floyd started. "Boys. Boys. Let's break up this little love fest." He looks at Jade "Floyd." He looks at Floyd. "Jade." He stops. "Wait. Or is it Jade and Floyd?"
Me: cut. Good job everyone.
Ace: That was fun!
Floyd: I can't wait for the up coming prank seen.
Riddle walked into the sound room.
Riddle: Hey Idia I brought you lunch.
Idia: Oh thank you...
Idia takes the food.
Riddle: congratulations by the way.
Idia: Why are you congratulating me?
Riddle: oh. You have a main role in the next movie.
Idia: WHAT?!?!
Idia dropped his drink in shock
Outside the sound room
Azul: I think Idia found out he has a the main role in the next movie.
Me: oh sevens.
Malleus: So I will be in soon?
Malleus was confused about the scrip.
Me: Yes.
Azul grabbed Vil's hand and kiss it.
Leona: To fucking close!!
Me: Cut! God damn it Leona.
Riddle: Are you two even together?
Leona: Yes.
Azul: Well if you want to be the Leech twins father then take my role!
Azul: That's what I thought.
"Wait your related to Vil Schoenheit!?!" Deuce asked with sparking eyes. "No I'm Jade Leech"
Me: CUT! Jade really?
Jade: Yep.
Vil: Can someone take my role? It sounds weird having Jade use my last name.
Me: no sorry Vil.
Jade: I'm going to take a nap.
Me: Jade?!
Jade walks to his dressing room.
Me: Everyone take 5.
Malleus: huh? How can you take 5?
Lilia: It means a 5 minute break.
Malleus: oh. Ok! *smiles*
Me: So fucking innocent...
Leona: I hate to agree but...
Kilam and Ace laugh.
Kilam: Jamil you did amazing!!
Jamil: Thanks.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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