We Infiltrate Scooby Doo Memorial High School

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The past couple months had been stressful. More than usual, at least. First, it was Thalia. It was nice having her around, and we got along very well, it was disconcerting that she was back. It meant exactly what Chiron had said when she first appeared out of the tree: Kronos had given himself one more chance to control the prophecy.

What the prophecy was, I still had no clue. Chiron was as tight lipped as ever on that front, and I knew better than to try to ask Apollo about it. It wasn't his place to tell, and he'd just tell me the same old thing about how knowing the future too early was dangerous for someone involved in it. I knew within myself he was right, but it didn't make it any less frustrating. I don't much like not knowing things. If I was in some horribly deadly situation where I knew what was going on, fine. I would be able to influence it and have my fate in my own hands. But the feeling of, well, helplessness, it was just too much. Andromeda did her best to console me when the stress and anxiety became overwhelming, but I could tell it was getting to her as well.

Then the whole mess in England. Mostly Scotland, I suppose. Not only was I having to deal my mother's magical world that, as much as I love her, I had wanted nothing to do with, I had to work undercover and seemingly prepare for a second war. It was all a bit of a headache, to say the least.

The trip to Maine was supposed to be a break from that stress. Me, Andromeda, Percy, Annabeth, and Thalia heading up to a boarding school that Grover had been stationed at to pick up two demigods he had found. Percy's mom had picked us up at camp, and I spent most of the ride splitting a pair of earbuds with Thalia (we shared a lot of favorite songs) and talking about whatever came to mind. Frankly, we were all happy to get to go somewhere without a quest or prophecy being involved. It wasn't exactly a vacation and we knew we'd probably run into a monster or two, but it was markedly lower stakes than pretty much any other trip outside camp had been over the past couple years.


By the time we got to upstate Maine it was getting late, the sun having already set. As we pulled up to the school and got out of the car I groaned.

"Our first relaxing trip in years and we go to some creepy old school?"

Andromeda lightly punched my shoulder, but the rest of us more or less agreed. The school was creepy to say the least. It was built out of this dark grey, almost black, stone, worryingly reminiscent of Hades's palace back in the underworld. It looked like a setting straight out of Scooby Doo.

"Point to you, Y/N." Said Percy with a huff. I had bet him that we'd run into a monster at the school and it seemed that the sight of it alone was enough for him to believe he'd lost.

Annabeth cleared her throat, glaring at me and Percy. "Thank you, Ms. Jackson."

Sally smiled back at her. "Of course dear! Should I wait around here?"

Annabeth shook her head. "No, we'll find our own way back to camp. Just go find a hotel and relax."

Sally frowned slightly, but nodded. We said our goodbyes and turned around as she drove off.

"Well." Remarked Thalia. "Shall we?"

We made our way in carefully. The place was decorated for a dance of some kind, and there was an absolutely ancient looking teacher at the entrance.

"Dears? Why are you all coming in so late?"

Percy began to stumble through an explanation, but I nodded towards Thalia and she snapped her fingers.

"We just came to check on you, we were in the dance the whole time. Pay us no mind."

The woman's eyes clouded briefly before she shook her head slightly. "Oh, of course my dears! So sorry, my mind must be dozing off."

Percy glanced at Thalia confused as we walked further in. "What was that?"

"She manipulated the mist." I explained. "I taught her it, it's one of the things I can do because of my mom, but some other demigods can do it with training."

Percy pouted. "And you never taught me?"

"You never asked." I replied, shrugging.

Suddenly, a figure approached us from a side hall.

"What are you doing?" Said a tall man with a thick Quebecois accent.

I went to show Percy more mist manipulation, but Grover burst in before I could do much.

"You guys made it!"

The man turned to him, frowning. "They what, Mr. Underwood?"

Grover jumped slightly, seemingly not having noticed him before.

"The err... the punch! The punch for the dance, Dr. Thorn! They made it! It's very good!"

The man stared at us for a moment before sighing and turning to walk off.

Grover let out a deep sigh of relief when Dr. Thorn made it out of earshot. "Phew. That was close. You all ok?"

We all nodded, following Grover into the gym where the dance was being held.

"So." He said, starting to explain the situation. "There's two of them. The demigods, I mean. Bianca and Nico di Angelo. Siblings. Both of them from Italy, originally, I think. They're both very shy, I couldn't get too close to them. They're powerful, though. Very powerful. Not sure who their parent is, but I can smell the power radiating from them. Definitely not some minor god."

I smiled at him. "Good job, man. So whats our extraction plan then? Just grab them and get out now?"

Grover shook his head. "No. Theres a monster too. He's been keeping a close eye on them. We'll have to figure out a way to distract him if we want to keep them safe."

Percy grinned. "Who's the monster? Thats my specialty. Distractions, I mean."

Grover sighed. "You just met him. Dr. Thorn."

I thought for a moment. "Alright. Grover. Where are the di Angelos?"

Grover pointed to the mostly tucked away bleachers, where two small children were sitting. The girl, presumably Bianca, was wearing a green flat cap, and the boy, presumably Nico, was playing with some toy figures and cards. Sure enough, Dr. Thorn was lurking nearby, semi-subtly keeping an eye on them.

I nodded. "Alright. Grover, you go over there and keep and eye on them. Be ready to grab them and run. Me and the others will try to figure out a plan."

With that, Grover ran off.

"Alright. Lets split up. Me and 'Meda, Percy and Annabeth, Thalia, sorry, you're on your own over near Grover. Look around. If you think of a good distraction, just go for it. I trust you all with that. We all know what we're doing. Lets get these kids back home safe."

The others nodded in understanding and split off just as the music started up again. I turned to Andromeda.

"My dear? May I have this dance?"

She smirked and giggled softly. "Yes, Y/N. Yes you may."

Life of a Young Demigod: Book 3 (Percy Jackson reader-insert)Where stories live. Discover now