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I played the dreams over in my head, it just wasn't possible. I had dreamt about him for years not knowing he really existed but here he was standing right in front of me. I took a step forward, he heard my heels and turned around. Our eyes connected and then all hell broke loose.


I was submerged in one of my blissful dreams. Since I had turned ten my dreams were the only place I truly felt at home, ever since I met Jake.

Jake is a guy, well I don't actually know if he exists, who I have shared my dreams with since I was ten. We were really good friends when we were younger, we used to play stupid games that you play when you're ten we didn't have a care in the world. As we grew up our friendship turned into something more serious, we were still really close friends though. Our friendship stayed strong even through everything that was thrown a it but sometimes when I am with Jake I feel incomplete.

I could tell Jake anything, I told him everything that went on in my life and he told me about everything that went on in his. The only thing was I couldn't tell anyone about him. I tried once and it got me a months therapists treatment, that was an absolute blast. So from there on Jake was my own little secret.

The thing that broke me from my wonderful dream was my old enemy the alarm clock. I fumbled around trying to find the switch to turn the deafening beeping off.

I woke up with my hair in its normal perfect state. Since I grew up a bit I started to do my hair before going to bed, not that I am desperate or anything but I think Jake deserves better than to see my terrible bed head.

I stumble downstairs and get my normal breakfast. I find my mother already primed and ready for the day in her normal suit jacket and skirt.

"Hello sweetheart, how was your sleep?"

Better than this conversation "Great mum, thanks."

I stuff down my breakfast and head back upstairs to get dressed. I pull on pair of skinny jeans on with a jumper while cleaning my teeth. I grab my school bag and jacket and make it out of the house just in time to meet my best friend Amelia.

"So how was your dream last night?"

Amelia is the only person that knows about Jake

"Brilliant as always, yours?"

"Average and boring as always. I wish I had a guy who I shared my dreams."

"It is pretty awesome but you can't have Jake, he is mine." I think anyway.

"I wasn't going to steal him I haven't actually met him, he could be absolutely disgusting for all I know."

"Unlikely, Jake is wonderful. Sweet, gentle, kind.." but not really my true love


"I guess you could put it that way."

"That's it I am not going to rest until I have a guy in my dreams."

"Aww Mel you'll find someone."

"Unlikely, I am destined to be alone forever. That's it I will have to crack the chocolate ice-cream when I get home."

"Stop being so dramatic, we don't want to be late."

We somehow make it to school on time, just, and run to assembly. We walk in and find Adam my other best friend waving at us rather embarrassingly.

"Cut it out Adam," Mel says and we take our seats.

The headmaster gives his usual speech about how we are great blah blah blah our achievements are great blah blah blah Rory Jenkins you have won a trip to London. Hey wait a minute, what? I won a trip to London.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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