Chapter 7

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We booked it out of there. We got through the tunnels and through the quicksand. It happened to me again. The darkness. But I act like it was normal. We had turned up in the Healers colony.

And it was beautiful. Deep canyons and yellowed pyramids. I step out onto the golden brown pieces of sand, the sun instantly burning my neck and arms. My feet rub raw against the sand as we walk forward. I should probably put some shoes on next time. I followed Thomas until he stopped in front of a dock.

A dock in the sand.

I pulled my eyebrows together as Tom got into one of the boats and motioned for me to follow. I get in behind him.

“This is their way of transportation. They use sand.” Tom snaps his fingers four times. The boat shakes violently. I grip the sides as sand sprays me in the eyes. I didn’t notice that we began to move.

It was a steady motion. It wasn’t too fast or too slow. I even got to see a few other civilians using the boat transportation as they exited to and from the pyramids.

“You seemed kind of, uh, tense around that guy,” I tell Thomas. He nods. “What did he mean by almost getting you kicked out?”

“Nothing,” he snaps.

“Whatever, tell me.”

He says nothing, then begins to speak,“I went through the quicksand, and I ended up there. I can’t be in another colony, remember?” He says. I shrug. I could tell he wasn’t telling the truth.
The boat slowly slid into another dock.

We get out and slowly start to walk in the direction of the largest pyramid I have ever seen. Cold air blew out from every direction as I took one step into the triangle structure. I sigh in appreciation.

I smile, pretty sure everyone in the pyramid could see my eyes light up in awe. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

The ground's a yellowed wood with a large, red queen style rug starting at the beginning of the pyramid and ending at the end.

The sides of the triangle were somehow stacked all the way to the point with varying colors filled in vials. The best part was the light that peeked through the pyramid walls and hit the vials of glass, causing the most beautiful light show.

I jumped when I noticed someone at the end of the red carpet, sitting in a jewel encrusted throne. She's staring intensely at me, her Jaw clenched.

“That’s the Healers queen.” Thomas’s gaze flickers to her, then back to me. “We have to go pay our respects to her.”

Thomas put his hand on my back and led me towards her. He gets down on one knee and puts his hand on his left shoulder.

I slowly get on my knee. The queen looked me up and down. “Oh,” I said, embarrassed as I put my right hand on my left shoulder. She let out a grunt.

“Hello Maylyn,” she says in a British accent.

“Hello,” I say back, our accents matching each other perfectly.

“I’ve heard rumors about you,” she says.

“Cool?” I say back, nervously pulling on my messy hair.

“Indeed it is, but you only have three minutes left.” The queen stands up. I get to my feet and follow her. She walks elegantly over to the end of the pyramid and bangs on it twice.

A hidden door pops open. She dissappears inside. I look back at Thomas, and he shrugs. I follow her inside. It was just as beautiful as the main room, just smaller. And there was another girl in the room with blond, shoulder-length hair and blue eyes. Safety goggles were pulling at her eyes as she filled a vial with purple liquid in front of her.

We walk closer, the sound causing her to jump. The action caused the liquid she was holding to spill down her front, which steamed and bubbled on her red tunic.

She moans and attempts to wipe it off as she looks at the queen.

“Mom, you could have told me about this!” She snaps, glaring at me and Thomas. The queen lets out a sigh and turns to us, her hands clasped.

“I would like you to meet my daughter, Lavender,” the queen says, irritation evident in her voice.

“Hi,” Lavender holds out her hand, I shake it.

“Nice to meet you Lavender, I’m May-.”

“Oh, I know,” she laughs coldly, “Everyone knows.”

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